Now playing Next Europe News EU Green Week focuses on water management in the face of flooding risk According to a report published by the European Environment Agency earlier this month, 12 per cent of Europe's population lives in areas at risk of flooding.
Now playing Next Ocean Interview: the EU Algae initiative helps fishers become ocean farmers IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Despite marine management efforts over decades Europe's fish stocks are still under pressure. The EU is supporting fishers turning to seaweed farming as an alternative livelihood.
Now playing Next Europe News European elections: What do voters want? What do candidates promise? Watch episode 23 of Euronews' guide on the European elections, taking place from June 6 to 9. 03/06/2024
Now playing Next Green News Fast deco: The dark side of low-cost furniture and home decor Nearly half of furniture waste is burned in incinerators or buried in landfills. 02/06/2024
Now playing Next Europe News Wildfire season is upon us: Here's what the EU is putting in place Following a devastating summer of fires across Europe last year, the EU has upped its resources to prevent widespread damage in 2024. 01/06/2024
Now playing Next Europe News 'Fridays for Future' demonstrators march ahead of EU elections The march comes ahead of the European elections next week, with the demonstrators also emphasising the role of the EU. 31/05/2024
Now playing Next Green News Valencia’s cemeteries to become the country’s largest urban solar farm The project has been dubbed RIP, standing for Requiem in Power. 31/05/2024
Now playing Next Living Which European countries are leading the way on clothes recycling? EU countries generated an estimated 6.95 million tonnes of textile waste in 2020 or around 16kg annually per person. 31/05/2024
Now playing Next Climate Belgian teenager who lost a friend to floods holds Total responsible Eight people have launched a criminal case against TotalEnergies' leaders, who they hold responsible for their climate tragedies. 31/05/2024
Now playing Next Green News EU Policy. Climate action will boost energy security in Europe by 8% by 2030, IMF IMF's study focuses on security of supply and resilience of countries' economies. 29/05/2024
Now playing Next Green News Are bright colours fueling microplastic pollution? The study’s authors say manufacturers should give more thought to what colour they make short-lived items. 29/05/2024
Now playing Next Space ESA launches new satellite to study how clouds are impacting climate The latest and largest of the space agency's Earth Explorer satellites was launched into orbit from California onboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. 29/05/2024
Now playing Next Greece NGO cleans up contaminated Greek seas The operation lasted ten days and targeted waters near Ithaca and Patras, where around 30 tonnes of nets and waste had collected. 28/05/2024
Now playing Next Pakistan Hundreds treated for heatstroke as Pakistan heatwave rages on Meanwhile, international relief organisations have expressed concern that millions of children could be at risk of dehydration and exposure to record-high temperatures. 28/05/2024
Now playing Next Smart Regions Green Win, greener waterways IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Green Win, the system set up at the University of Liège, has made it possible to test the operation of large pumps, which can weigh up to one tonne, and pump 300 litres per second in waterways. 27/05/2024
Now playing Next Art Eco-conscious film and photography pioneers exhibit at Saatchi Gallery A new exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery in London plays host to a collection of eco-conscious photographers and filmmakers, whose works aim to create communicative boundaries between art and the environment. 26/05/2024
Now playing Next Brussels, my love? Brussels, my love? The future of the Green Deal after the elections In this edition of our weekly talk show, host Stefan Grobe and his guests talk about the future of the Green Deal after the elections, the situation of the electric cars market in Europe and why organic food sales have reached a ceiling. 25/05/2024
Now playing Next Tech News AI could help or harm the environment depending on how it’s used While AI could help us be more efficient, one negative is that it consumes a lot of energy, a renowned environmentalist told Euronews Next. 24/05/2024
Now playing Next Nature This Italian museum has recreated a Tanzanian butterfly forest The Butterfly Forest was created this spring to create public awareness on some of the research that MUSE is doing in Udzungwa Mountains to study and protect the world’s biodiversity. 23/05/2024
Now playing Next no comment WATCH: Italian museum recreates Tanzanian butterfly forest The Italian Museum of Sciences in Trento (MUSE) raises awareness of biodiversity by recreating a Tanzanian butterfly forest inspired by the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, a vital hotspot for global biodiversity conservation. 23/05/2024
Now playing Next Green News Tornado rips through wind farm: How often do wind turbines fall down? Experts explain how designers account for extreme weather. 23/05/2024
Now playing Next Green News Debate: How can we all do our bit and wise up about water resilience? IN PARTNERSHIP WITH EUROPEAN COMMISSION As part of the European Union's Green Week event in Brussels, Euronews science correspondent Jeremy Wilks quizzed experts about water pollution, droughts, and floods and asked when we will wise up about water. 23/05/2024