Now playing Next Hacker hunter How European authorities want to tackle child hacking A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY
Now playing Next Hacker hunter Exploring the thin line between cybercrime and ethical hacking A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY
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Now playing Next Hacker hunter RaidForums: The child hacker facing extradition to the US A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY
Now playing Next Hacker hunter “I was a teenage hacker”: Two child hackers share their stories A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY
Now playing Next Hacker hunter 3 signs your kids may be hackers and what to do about it A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY 29/05/2023
Now playing Next Hacker hunter Meet the Script Kiddies: Teenage hackers who make or break our world A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY 26/05/2023
Now playing Next Hacker hunter Child hackers: How are kids becoming sophisticated cyber criminals? A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY 19/05/2023
Now playing Next Hacker hunter Virtual athletes push gaming to its limits A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY 20/08/2022
Now playing Next Hacker hunter Can you make a fortune by hacking a video game? A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY 20/08/2022
Now playing Next Hacker hunter How do hackers target children on video games? A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY 20/08/2022
Now playing Next Hacker hunter One map away from winning: "How one player rocked Indian esports" A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY 09/07/2022
Now playing Next Hacker hunter A dream come true? The challenges of being an esports star A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY 09/07/2022
Now playing Next Hacker hunter Could you end up in jail for cheating at a video game? A CO-PRODUCTION WITH KASPERSKY 09/07/2022