Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. How von der Leyen learned to stop worrying and love Meloni
Now playing Next Business Euroviews. Europe's energy sector: Keep the ambition, strengthen cooperation
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. What does the future hold for EU’s flagship sustainability law?
Now playing Next world news Euroviews. In Europe, only local leadership will shed Soviet-era shackles
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. EU recovery plan is failing to meet cities’ climate ambitions
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. When it comes to genomics, de-risking with China is not enough
Now playing Next Economy Euroviews. Energy communities are the drivers of the EU’s re-industrialisation
Now playing Next Economy Euroviews. Banking on fossil fuels: A one-way ticket to global economic meltdown
Now playing Next Climate Euroviews. Migration policies must improve to meet Europe’s green building goals
Now playing Next Nature Euroviews. Governments must back plant farming — there's no two ways about it
Now playing Next Tech News Euroviews. In EU-US data transfer and privacy quarrel, the end is not in sight
Now playing Next Tech News Euroviews. It's time for a heart-to-heart about the EU's surveillance agenda
Now playing Next Experiences Euroviews. These three European cities show you can get tourism policies right
Now playing Next Travel News Euroviews. Back-up plans and good governance make tourism more resilient
Now playing Next People Euroviews. People in the cruise industry want to be good neighbours and visitors
Now playing Next Healthcare Euroviews. The power of partnerships can help us achieve global health equity By working together and leveraging technology, we can break down barriers, improve health outcomes and build a healthier, more sustainable future for all, Dr Naveen Rao writes. 31/05/2024
Now playing Next Healthcare Euroviews. Investing in global women's health delivers benefits for everyone As simultaneously converging crises threaten to compound inequalities and with growing attention on the need to address the unmet medical needs of women, the EU must step up its efforts to support global women’s health R&D, six MEPs write. 24/05/2024
Now playing Next Republic of North Macedonia Euroviews. North Macedonia and Greece shook hands in Prespa. Don't give up on it The agreement is a welcome reality, even among many of its opponents, because reopening the dispute would be much worse. I plead for a display of leadership in both countries, Greece and North Macedonia, to face this reality and stop playing petty politics with this issue, Nikola Dimitrov writes. 17/05/2024
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. This is why confiscating my European flag at Eurovision was a mistake For us, young people from all corners of Europe, the European flag is a unifying symbol that transcends borders, cultures, and languages. It symbolises our collective desire to live in a Europe where freedom, peace, and cooperation reign supreme, Dorin Frăsîneanu writes. 16/05/2024
Now playing Next Taiwan Euroviews. In the 'WHO blockade' of Taiwan, everyone is a loser If it had been left to public health experts to decide, perhaps Taiwan’s participation in the WHO would have long been settled as a non-issue, Ambassador Roy Lee writes. 16/05/2024
Now playing Next Nature Euroviews. Billions from EU taxpayers damage nature — here’s how it can stop The only way Europe can move forward is by redirecting destructive subsidies towards activities that protect and restore nature and supporting greater citizen participation in policy development, Ester Asin writes. 15/05/2024
Now playing Next Climate Euroviews. As Europe faces a major renewables goal, community buy-in is critical As guidance rolls out to accelerate the energy transition, we must learn from what’s working to engage and empower communities in the process, Elif Gündüzyeli and Sanna Markkanen write. 15/05/2024
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. Draghi's report lacks transparency and risks capture by big business The pathway to a prosperous, resilient, dynamic, innovative and democratic European economy lies in pursuing economic balance and diversity rather than monopoly, Max Bank and Olivier Hoedeman write. 14/05/2024
Now playing Next Climate Euroviews. European cities are becoming climate CHAMPs. You could be one, too All of the examples from Oslo, Stockholm, and Amsterdam represent new thinking and creative approaches to decarbonising a complex system in a partnered, multi-leveled way. And that’s the future of climate action and policy, Dr Michael Shank writes. 14/05/2024
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. Xi's European tour: Some euro, no vision For China to revive its fortunes, it must fundamentally change course, abandoning its version of predatory state capitalism in favour of the genuine market reforms its trade partners worldwide are calling for, Elaine Dezenski writes. 11/05/2024
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. The European public remains unwaveringly committed to Ukraine European leaders cannot afford to feel complacent. Quite the opposite: they must act decisively and renew their commitments of support so Ukraine can effectively push back and win, Viktor Mak writes. 10/05/2024
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. Europe matters to consumers, and so does your vote What happens in Brussels does have an impact on our daily lives, more than we are aware of, more than we credit them for. Treating it like a second-rate election would not do it right, Els Bruggeman writes. 09/05/2024
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. Mitigating climate change is no longer enough. We need protection Climate change is not merely an environmental predicament — it is a matter of social justice. Our transition to a sustainable future can only succeed if it brings people hope for the future and leaves no one behind, MEPs Iratxe García Pérez and Mohammed Chahim write. 09/05/2024
Now playing Next Israel Euroviews. Axing the Oslo Accords killed the narrative, not just the process Negating the Oslo peace process also rendered the “two peoples” narrative false. Observers were left with the conclusion that if the land “from the river and the sea” did not belong to two peoples, it belonged to one nation, Dr Shlomo Fischer writes. 09/05/2024
Now playing Next Hungary Euroviews. It’s time to take a step back from the brink of a divided world We think that our vision of connectivity is essential for Europe’s ability to become strong again — and that cooler heads will soon have a chance to prevail. During our presidency, we intend to show how, Balázs Orbán writes. 08/05/2024
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. The more rights the EU's mobile citizens have, the stronger we are The outcome of this year’s European elections could again send ripples beyond its borders. It is paramount that we hold the line for democracy, David Koranyi writes. 07/05/2024
Now playing Next Climate Euroviews. We won a victory for generations in the European Court of Human Rights Our cases coasted to the height of Europe’s top human rights court. Now we need to unite behind the ruling and force all European governments to ensure a liveable future for ourselves and our loved ones, Claudia Duarte Agostinho and Dr Elisabeth Stern write. 06/05/2024
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Euroviews. It is time to take action and stop femicide in the Western Balkans Western Balkan institutions and policymakers can play a pivotal role in saving women's lives — potentially upwards of 50 per year. Yet, today, one woman in the Western Balkans is killed nearly every week, Alex Chen and Tanja Domi write. 03/05/2024
Now playing Next Climate Euroviews. EU Overshoot Day signals an SOS for the European Green Deal Hiding our heads in the sand and pretending the current climate and nature crisis could be paused in order to promote competitiveness, surrenders the vision for Europe to a vocal and regressive minority, Ester Asin, William Todts, Ariel Brunner, Chiara Martinelli, and Patrick ten Brink write. 03/05/2024
Now playing Next Climate Euroviews. Let's score a climate goal and slap sport with green legislation Every competition, race, and medal must justify itself, beyond simply adding to the growing annals of sports history. If not, our failure to act would go down in history as humanity’s most calamitous own goal, Isabel Schatzschneider writes. 02/05/2024