South Korea
Police and emergency officers initially found Lee in what they believed was an unconscious state in the car parked on a street in northern Seoul. Emergency officers later confirmed he was dead, according to Seoul\u2019s Seongbuk police station.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1705064084,"updatedAt":1705066393,"publishedAt":1705066378,"firstPublishedAt":1705066393,"lastPublishedAt":1705066393,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AP Photo","altText":"Bong Joon-ho speaks during a press conference demanding an investigation into the case for the death of the late actor Lee Sun-kyun in Seoul, South Korea, Jan. 12, 2024","callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"caption":"Bong Joon-ho speaks during a press conference demanding an investigation into the case for the death of the late actor Lee Sun-kyun in Seoul, South Korea, Jan. 12, 2024","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/77\/42\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_2cbb5ab0-ffca-51e3-96c4-c26c14d0b3da-8167742.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":1080},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Urs Flueeler\/AP","altText":"Lee Sun-kyun from South Korea poses during the photo call for the movie \"U ri Sunhi\" at the 66th Locarno International Film Festival, Saturday, Aug. 10, 2013","callToActionText":null,"width":4928,"caption":"Lee Sun-kyun from South Korea poses during the photo call for the movie \"U ri Sunhi\" at the 66th Locarno International Film Festival, Saturday, Aug. 10, 2013","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/77\/42\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_c9dd7265-d40c-50f4-8563-3ed8c5cdcc26-8167742.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":3280}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"walfisz","twitter":"@JonathanWalfisz","title":"Jonny Walfisz"}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","titleRaw":"South Korea","id":7828,"title":"South Korea","slug":"south-korea"},{"urlSafeValue":"movie","titleRaw":"film","id":16410,"title":"film","slug":"movie"},{"urlSafeValue":"cinema","titleRaw":"Cinema","id":322,"title":"Cinema","slug":"cinema"},{"urlSafeValue":"death","titleRaw":"Death","id":8087,"title":"Death","slug":"death"},{"urlSafeValue":"drugs","titleRaw":"Drugs","id":13574,"title":"Drugs","slug":"drugs"}],"widgets":[{"count":1,"slug":"image"},{"count":1,"slug":"related"}],"related":[{"id":1022614}],"technicalTags":[],"externalPartners":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"liveStream":[{"endDate":0,"startDate":0}],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"AP","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"","freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"normal","displayType":"default","program":{"id":"culture-news","urlSafeValue":"culture-news","title":"Culture news","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/culture\/culture-news\/culture-news"},"vertical":"culture","verticals":[{"urlSafeValue":"culture","id":10,"title":"Culture","slug":"culture"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":10,"slug":"culture","urlSafeValue":"culture","title":"Culture"},"themes":[{"urlSafeValue":"culture-news","id":"culture-news","title":"Culture news","url":"\/\/\/culture\/culture-news"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":53,"urlSafeValue":"culture-news","title":"Culture news"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":"","isDfp":0},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":12,"urlSafeValue":"asia","title":"Asia"},"country":{"id":258,"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","title":"South Korea","url":"\/news\/asia\/south-korea"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'neg_mobkoi_castrol','neg_nespresso','gb_safe_from_high','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_popculture','gs_entertain','neg_saudiaramco','neg_facebook_q4','neg_facebook','gb_crime_high_med','gb_crime_high_med_low','gb_crime_news-ent','gv_crime','gs_law','gb_crime_edu','gs_entertain_movies','gb_death_injury_high_med','gb_death_injury_high_med_low','gb_death_injury_news-ent','gt_negative','gs_popculture_celebdeath','gv_drugs','gs_popculture_celeb','gs_busfin_indus','gs_entertain_tv','gb_drugs_high_med','gb_drugs_high_med_low','gb_drugs_news-ent','gt_negative_anger','gs_event_oscars'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"showOpinionDisclaimer":0,"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":[],"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":0,"displayOverlay":0},"storyTranslationMethod":[],"localisation":[],"daletEventName":"Culture - 'Parasite' director calls for investigation into actor Lee Sun-kyun's death","path":"\/culture\/2024\/01\/12\/parasite-director-calls-for-investigation-into-actor-lee-sun-kyuns-death","lastModified":1705066393},{"id":2453280,"cid":8163034,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"240110_GNWB_54483437","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"isBreakingNews":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"It\u2019s time to rally around South Korea\u2019s bold stance to end the dog meat industry","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Let's get behind South Korea\u2019s bold push to end the dog meat industry","titleListing2":"VIEW | With Seoul\u2019s new ban on the dog meat industry,\u00a0it feels like we\u2019ve lit a beacon of hope \u2014 ending this industry in South Korea is now a reality, @HSIGlobal CEO Kitty Block\u00a0writes.","leadin":"With Seoul\u2019s new ban on the dog meat industry,\u00a0it feels like we\u2019ve lit a beacon of hope \u2014 ending this industry in South Korea is now a reality, Kitty Block\u00a0writes.","summary":"With Seoul\u2019s new ban on the dog meat industry,\u00a0it feels like we\u2019ve lit a beacon of hope \u2014 ending this industry in South Korea is now a reality, Kitty Block\u00a0writes.","keySentence":"","url":"its-time-to-rally-around-south-koreas-bold-stance-to-end-the-dog-meat-industry","canonical":"https:\/\/\/green\/2024\/01\/10\/its-time-to-rally-around-south-koreas-bold-stance-to-end-the-dog-meat-industry","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Every year, an estimated one million dogs in South Korea face a grim fate, raised and slaughtered for food.\u00a0 \n\nHowever, after decades of nationwide advocacy and public policy work, and with Korean animal advocates more vocal than ever before, the South Korean parliament just passed a historic ban on the breeding, slaughter and sale of dogs and dog meat for consumption.\u00a0 \n\nThis monumental decision is not just a triumph for South Korea but also sets a precedent that could reverberate across nations where the dog and cat meat trades persist. \n\nAs South Korea embarks on this transformative journey, another corner of the world is witnessing progress for animals.\u00a0 \n\nIn Europe, initiatives discouraging trophy hunting have gained traction in Belgium, France, and Italy.\u00a0 \n\nNow is the time for Europe to unite and rally public, private, and international support to advocate for a more compassionate world. \n\nDisturbing cruelty extends beyond animal suffering \n\nTo comprehend the significance of South Korea\u2019s decision, we must acknowledge the longstanding history of dog meat eating in the country.\u00a0 \n\nAlthough most Koreans are appalled at the idea of eating dogs and don\u2019t consume their meat, for a small minority of the mainly older generations, it has remained a culinary habit, particularly during the hottest months of the year.\u00a0 \n\nBut much like the conditions factory-farmed animals of all kinds experience, the conditions these animals endure on the intensive farms are harrowing.\u00a0 \n\nThey\u2019re confined in small, barren metal cages, exposed to the elements, and given just enough sustenance to survive. These horrible conditions spark rampant diseases and mental distress among dogs, with many exhibiting signs of sickness, depression, severe malnutrition, and abnormal behaviours. \n\nThe way these animals are slaughtered is even more disturbing, with electrocution the most common method.\u00a0 \n\nIn China, Indonesia, India, and Vietnam, pet and stray dogs are stolen and brutally beaten to death with metal or wooden clubs.\u00a0 \n\nThe cruelty extends beyond the suffering of animals, posing a serious threat to human health, as the dog meat trade has been linked to outbreaks of trichinosis, cholera, and rabies. \n\nA unique opportunity to make history \n\nIn recent years, the dog meat issue has become something of a litmus test of social and cultural attitudes and practices in South Korea.\u00a0 \n\nA 2023 Humane Society International\/Nielsen poll revealed that 86% of the population abstains from consuming dog meat, and 57% supports a ban on the dog meat industry.\u00a0 \n\nNotably, a majority of individuals under 30 years old have never consumed dog meat, signalling a generational shift in perspectives. \n\nSouth Korea is seizing a unique opportunity to make history, to be a global leader by ending a practice that has persisted for generations.\u00a0 \n\nThe newly passed law represents a watershed moment in the country\u2019s journey towards a more compassionate future. This historic moment not only signals an end to the country\u2019s dog meat era, but also sets an example for other nations faced with similar national and international calls for change. \n\nThe path to ending the dog meat industry in South Korea has begun, and the implementation of a ban will involve a three-year phase-out period during which time dog meat businesses will be wound down with government support to transition workers to alternative livelihoods.\u00a0 \n\nThe restriction of compensation only for legally registered dog meat farmers when there are hundreds of illegal farms, and the specific terms of compensation will form the basis of much political debate over the coming weeks. \n\nWith the implementation of this new ban, participation in dog meat farming, slaughter, or sales from 2027 would lead to imprisonment or fines. \n\nA future where unity triumphs over tradition \n\nA few years after Humane Society International began working to expose and challenge the dog meat industry in South Korea, I travelled there twice\u00a0\u2014 first in 2015 and again in 2017\u00a0\u2014 to join with colleagues from South Korea, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States to pursue dog meat farm closures.\u00a0 \n\nIt was a difficult experience, but despite the conditions that our teams witnessed, this was also a heartening and life-changing juncture in our advocacy. \n\nOur local and global teams focused on bringing solutions to farm owners and workers, helping them to transition away from dog farming.\u00a0 \n\nWe were able to work with farmers to successfully close 18 dog meat farms, building global and local expertise in collaboration with farmers seeking an exit strategy.\u00a0 \n\nTransformation requires partnership rather than imposition. We can bridge the gap by offering support, alternatives, and open dialogue.\u00a0 \n\nThe new ban on dog meat offers a path forward for dog farmers, slaughterers, and restaurant owners: they are eligible to apply for compensation, and after review, government support could be offered to transition or close those businesses.\u00a0 \n\nBy working hand-in-hand with all interested parties, we can not only address immediate concerns but pave the way for a more compassionate and sustainable future, one in which unity triumphs over tradition. \n\nWe've lit a beacon of hope \n\nWith these findings, it feels like we\u2019ve lit a beacon of hope. The government's call for collaboration underscores the shared collective responsibility in ushering positive change for animals.\u00a0 \n\nEnding the dog meat industry in South Korea is now a reality. More than anything, the Korean-led resistance to dog meat has been instrumental in getting us to this point. \n\nThe moral imperative to alleviate the suffering of animals transcends national borders.\u00a0 \n\nAs we witness South Korea's courageous stride towards greater compassion, Europe can unite to not only advocate for the passage of this historic legislation but also to ignite similar transformative movements in every corner of the globe, on the full range of animal protection issues.\u00a0 \n\nIt is a rallying cry for humanity to collectively acknowledge the intrinsic value of all living beings and to strive for a world where kindness triumphs over cruelty. \n\nKitty Block is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Humane Society of the United States and CEO of Humane Society International. \n\nAt Euronews, we believe all views matter. Contact us at to send pitches or submissions and be part of the conversation. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Every year, an estimated one million dogs in South Korea face a grim fate, raised and slaughtered for food.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>However, after decades of nationwide advocacy and public policy work, and with Korean animal advocates more vocal than ever before, the South Korean parliament just passed a historic ban on the breeding, slaughter and sale of dogs and dog meat for consumption.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>This monumental decision is not just a triumph for South Korea but also sets a precedent that could reverberate across nations where the dog and cat meat trades persist.<\/p>\n<p>As South Korea embarks on this transformative journey, another corner of the world is witnessing progress for animals.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>In Europe, initiatives discouraging trophy hunting have gained traction in Belgium, France, and Italy.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Now is the time for Europe to unite and rally public, private, and international support to advocate for a more compassionate world.<\/p>\n<h2>Disturbing cruelty extends beyond animal suffering<\/h2><p>To comprehend the significance of South Korea\u2019s decision, we must acknowledge the longstanding history of dog meat eating in the country.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Although most Koreans are appalled at the idea of eating dogs and don\u2019t consume their meat, for a small minority of the mainly older generations, it has remained a culinary habit, particularly during the hottest months of the year.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>But much like the conditions factory-farmed animals of all kinds experience, the conditions these animals endure on the intensive farms are harrowing.\u00a0<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.673828125\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Dogs are seen in a cage at a dog farm in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, June 2023\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/79\/09\/36\/384x259_cmsv2_184b4ee3-75ed-5e8c-b0ae-4cbd79287026-7790936.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/79\/09\/36\/640x431_cmsv2_184b4ee3-75ed-5e8c-b0ae-4cbd79287026-7790936.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/79\/09\/36\/750x505_cmsv2_184b4ee3-75ed-5e8c-b0ae-4cbd79287026-7790936.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/79\/09\/36\/828x558_cmsv2_184b4ee3-75ed-5e8c-b0ae-4cbd79287026-7790936.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/79\/09\/36\/1080x728_cmsv2_184b4ee3-75ed-5e8c-b0ae-4cbd79287026-7790936.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/79\/09\/36\/1200x809_cmsv2_184b4ee3-75ed-5e8c-b0ae-4cbd79287026-7790936.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/79\/09\/36\/1920x1294_cmsv2_184b4ee3-75ed-5e8c-b0ae-4cbd79287026-7790936.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Dogs are seen in a cage at a dog farm in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, June 2023<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP Photo\/Ahn Young-joon<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>They\u2019re confined in small, barren metal cages, exposed to the elements, and given just enough sustenance to survive. These horrible conditions spark rampant diseases and mental distress among dogs, with many exhibiting signs of sickness, depression, severe malnutrition, and abnormal behaviours.<\/p>\n<p>The way these animals are slaughtered is even more disturbing, with electrocution the most common method.\u00a0<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"8053668,6436468\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Has dog meat had its day in South Korea?<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">'Historic win for animals': South Korea bans sale and production of dog meat<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>In China, Indonesia, India, and Vietnam, pet and stray dogs are stolen and brutally beaten to death with metal or wooden clubs.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The cruelty extends beyond the suffering of animals, posing a serious threat to human health, as the dog meat trade has been linked to outbreaks of trichinosis, cholera, and rabies.<\/p>\n<h2>A unique opportunity to make history<\/h2><p>In recent years, the dog meat issue has become something of a litmus test of social and cultural attitudes and practices in South Korea.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>A 2023 Humane Society International\/Nielsen poll revealed that 86% of the population abstains from consuming dog meat, and 57% supports a ban on the dog meat industry.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Notably, a majority of individuals under 30 years old have never consumed dog meat, signalling a generational shift in perspectives.<\/p>\n<p>South Korea is seizing a unique opportunity to make history, to be a global leader by ending a practice that has persisted for generations.\u00a0<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-quotation\n widget--size-fullwidth\n widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__content\">\n <blockquote class=\"widget__quote\">\n <span class=\"widget__quoteText\">This historic moment not only signals an end to the country\u2019s dog meat era, but also sets an example for other nations faced with similar national and international calls for change.<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n <cite class=\"widget__author\">\n <\/cite>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.6845703125\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"A woman rides a bicycle under cherry blossoms in full bloom at a park in Seoul, April 2023\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/384x263_cmsv2_f5b9afca-49bb-5b0b-8859-39bc4ba61b7c-8163034.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/640x438_cmsv2_f5b9afca-49bb-5b0b-8859-39bc4ba61b7c-8163034.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/750x513_cmsv2_f5b9afca-49bb-5b0b-8859-39bc4ba61b7c-8163034.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/828x567_cmsv2_f5b9afca-49bb-5b0b-8859-39bc4ba61b7c-8163034.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/1080x739_cmsv2_f5b9afca-49bb-5b0b-8859-39bc4ba61b7c-8163034.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/1200x821_cmsv2_f5b9afca-49bb-5b0b-8859-39bc4ba61b7c-8163034.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/1920x1314_cmsv2_f5b9afca-49bb-5b0b-8859-39bc4ba61b7c-8163034.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">A woman rides a bicycle under cherry blossoms in full bloom at a park in Seoul, April 2023<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP Photo\/Ahn Young-joon<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>The newly passed law represents a watershed moment in the country\u2019s journey towards a more compassionate future. This historic moment not only signals an end to the country\u2019s dog meat era, but also sets an example for other nations faced with similar national and international calls for change.<\/p>\n<p>The path to ending the dog meat industry in South Korea has begun, and the implementation of a ban will involve a three-year phase-out period during which time dog meat businesses will be wound down with government support to transition workers to alternative livelihoods.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The restriction of compensation only for legally registered dog meat farmers when there are hundreds of illegal farms, and the specific terms of compensation will form the basis of much political debate over the coming weeks.<\/p>\n<p>With the implementation of this new ban, participation in dog meat farming, slaughter, or sales from 2027 would lead to imprisonment or fines.<\/p>\n<h2>A future where unity triumphs over tradition<\/h2><p>A few years after Humane Society International began working to expose and challenge the dog meat industry in South Korea, I travelled there twice\u00a0\u2014 first in 2015 and again in 2017\u00a0\u2014 to join with colleagues from South Korea, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States to pursue dog meat farm closures.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>It was a difficult experience, but despite the conditions that our teams witnessed, this was also a heartening and life-changing juncture in our advocacy.<\/p>\n<p>Our local and global teams focused on bringing solutions to farm owners and workers, helping them to transition away from dog farming.\u00a0<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-quotation\n widget--size-fullwidth\n widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__content\">\n <blockquote class=\"widget__quote\">\n <span class=\"widget__quoteText\">Ending the dog meat industry in South Korea is now a reality. More than anything, the Korean-led resistance to dog meat has been instrumental in getting us to this point.<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n <cite class=\"widget__author\">\n <\/cite>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.6669921875\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"South Korean vegetarian activists wearing dog masks stage a rally opposing South Korea's culture of eating dog meat in Seoul, July 2020\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/384x256_cmsv2_2f8ca64b-4fe4-550a-b080-43fe7c956dba-8163034.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/640x427_cmsv2_2f8ca64b-4fe4-550a-b080-43fe7c956dba-8163034.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/750x500_cmsv2_2f8ca64b-4fe4-550a-b080-43fe7c956dba-8163034.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/828x552_cmsv2_2f8ca64b-4fe4-550a-b080-43fe7c956dba-8163034.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/1080x720_cmsv2_2f8ca64b-4fe4-550a-b080-43fe7c956dba-8163034.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/1200x800_cmsv2_2f8ca64b-4fe4-550a-b080-43fe7c956dba-8163034.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/1920x1281_cmsv2_2f8ca64b-4fe4-550a-b080-43fe7c956dba-8163034.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">South Korean vegetarian activists wearing dog masks stage a rally opposing South Korea's culture of eating dog meat in Seoul, July 2020<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP Photo\/Ahn Young-joon<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>We were able to work with farmers to successfully close 18 dog meat farms, building global and local expertise in collaboration with farmers seeking an exit strategy.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Transformation requires partnership rather than imposition. We can bridge the gap by offering support, alternatives, and open dialogue.\u00a0<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"8112822,7434994\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">How we treat animals is \u2014 and will be \u2014 key to our own survival<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">We must help the animals affected by war in Ukraine \u2014 otherwise, we're risking a catastrophe<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>The new ban on dog meat offers a path forward for dog farmers, slaughterers, and restaurant owners: they are eligible to apply for compensation, and after review, government support could be offered to transition or close those businesses.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>By working hand-in-hand with all interested parties, we can not only address immediate concerns but pave the way for a more compassionate and sustainable future, one in which unity triumphs over tradition.<\/p>\n<h2>We've lit a beacon of hope<\/h2><p>With these findings, it feels like we\u2019ve lit a beacon of hope. The government's call for collaboration underscores the shared collective responsibility in ushering positive change for animals.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Ending the dog meat industry in South Korea is now a reality. More than anything, the Korean-led resistance to dog meat has been instrumental in getting us to this point.<\/p>\n<p>The moral imperative to alleviate the suffering of animals transcends national borders.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>As we witness South Korea's courageous stride towards greater compassion, Europe can unite to not only advocate for the passage of this historic legislation but also to ignite similar transformative movements in every corner of the globe, on the full range of animal protection issues.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>It is a rallying cry for humanity to collectively acknowledge the intrinsic value of all living beings and to strive for a world where kindness triumphs over cruelty.<\/p>\n<p><em>Kitty Block is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Humane Society of the United States and CEO of Humane Society International.<\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>At Euronews, we believe all views matter. Contact us at <a href=\"\">> to send pitches or submissions and be part of the conversation.<\/em><\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1704899027,"updatedAt":1704902386,"publishedAt":1704902381,"firstPublishedAt":1704902386,"lastPublishedAt":1704902386,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AP Photo\/Euronews","altText":"Delilah, a Tosa mix rescued from the Korean meat market, in San Francisco, CA, March 2015","callToActionText":null,"width":1600,"caption":"Delilah, a Tosa mix rescued from the Korean meat market, in San Francisco, CA, March 2015","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_aca7ee6b-eac1-529a-9d25-a52159cd1f7b-8163034.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":900},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AP Photo\/Ahn Young-joon","altText":"South Korean vegetarian activists wearing dog masks stage a rally opposing South Korea's culture of eating dog meat in Seoul, July 2020","callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"caption":"South Korean vegetarian activists wearing dog masks stage a rally opposing South Korea's culture of eating dog meat in Seoul, July 2020","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_2f8ca64b-4fe4-550a-b080-43fe7c956dba-8163034.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":683},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AP Photo\/Ahn Young-joon","altText":"A woman rides a bicycle under cherry blossoms in full bloom at a park in Seoul, April 2023","callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"caption":"A woman rides a bicycle under cherry blossoms in full bloom at a park in Seoul, April 2023","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/16\/30\/34\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_f5b9afca-49bb-5b0b-8859-39bc4ba61b7c-8163034.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":701}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"urlSafeValue":"dog","titleRaw":"Dogs","id":14092,"title":"Dogs","slug":"dog"},{"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","titleRaw":"South Korea","id":7828,"title":"South Korea","slug":"south-korea"},{"urlSafeValue":"animal-welfare","titleRaw":"animal welfare","id":16072,"title":"animal welfare","slug":"animal-welfare"},{"urlSafeValue":"animal-protection","titleRaw":"animal protection","id":16216,"title":"animal protection","slug":"animal-protection"},{"urlSafeValue":"meat-industry","titleRaw":"meat industry","id":22912,"title":"meat industry","slug":"meat-industry"},{"urlSafeValue":"euroviews","titleRaw":"Euroviews","id":22480,"title":"Euroviews","slug":"euroviews"}],"widgets":[{"count":3,"slug":"image"},{"count":2,"slug":"quotation"},{"count":2,"slug":"related"}],"related":[{"id":2460384}],"technicalTags":[],"externalPartners":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"liveStream":[{"endDate":0,"startDate":0}],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":null,"additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"Kitty Block","freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"normal","displayType":"default","program":{"id":"green-news","urlSafeValue":"green-news","title":"Green News","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/green\/green-news\/green-news"},"vertical":"green","verticals":[{"urlSafeValue":"green","id":8,"title":"Green","slug":"green"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":8,"slug":"green","urlSafeValue":"green","title":"Green"},"themes":[{"urlSafeValue":"green-news","id":"green-news","title":"Green 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Korea","url":"\/news\/asia\/south-korea"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gb_safe','gb_safe_from_high','gb_safe_from_high_med','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_business','gs_busfin','gs_science','gt_negative','gs_science_geography','neg_bucherer','gs_busfin_indus','neg_mobkoi_castrol','neg_nespresso','gs_business_agri','neg_saudiaramco','gt_negative_sadness','neg_facebook_q4','gs_busfin_business','gv_crime','gs_business_misc'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet-web","format":"default"},"showOpinionDisclaimer":1,"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":[],"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":0,"displayOverlay":0},"storyTranslationMethod":[],"localisation":[],"daletEventName":"VIEW SOUTH KOREA DOG MEAT BAN","path":"\/green\/2024\/01\/10\/its-time-to-rally-around-south-koreas-bold-stance-to-end-the-dog-meat-industry","lastModified":1704902386},{"id":2418852,"cid":8053668,"versionId":4,"archive":0,"housenumber":"231120_GNSU_53916678","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"isBreakingNews":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"'Historic win for animals': South Korea bans sale and production of dog meat","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Selling dog meat will soon be illegal in South Korea","titleListing2":"South Korea cracks down on eating dog meat. How common is the practise?","leadin":"Some dog farmers plan to challenge the upcoming ban on production and sales of dog meat.","summary":"Some dog farmers plan to challenge the upcoming ban on production and sales of dog meat.","keySentence":"","url":"south-korea-plans-to-ban-the-consumption-of-dog-meat-by-the-end-of-the-year","canonical":"https:\/\/\/green\/2024\/01\/09\/south-korea-plans-to-ban-the-consumption-of-dog-meat-by-the-end-of-the-year","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"South Korea\u2019s parliament has passed a\u00a0landmark ban on the production and sale of dog meat. \n\nAlthough only a small minority of people still consume dog meat in South Korea, the ancient practise has been the subject of sharp criticism from foreign media and animal rights advocates. In recent years, the country\u2019s younger generations have joined calls to ban it. \n\nOn Tuesday 9 January, parliament heeded their calls. The new bill will\u00a0 make slaughtering, breeding and sales of dog meat for human consumption illegal from 2027 and punishable by two-to-three years in prison. It doesn\u2019t provide any penalties for eating dog meat. \n\nHow common is dog meat in South Korea? \n\nDog meat consumption is neither explicitly banned nor legalised in South Korea.\u00a0 \n\nRecent surveys show more than half of South Koreans want dog meat banned and a majority no longer eat it. But one in every three South Koreans still opposes a ban even though they don\u2019t consume it. \n\nThere is no reliable official data on the exact size of South Korea\u2019s dog meat industry. Activists and farmers say hundreds of thousands of dogs are slaughtered for meat each year. \n\n\nIn 2022, South Korea \u2019s national broadcaster KBS reported that more than half a million dogs were being raised for food across the country and 1,600 restaurants were selling dog meat. \n\nAs of February 2022, there were 1,156 farms breeding dogs for meat and 34 slaughterhouses, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. \n\nA grace period of three years will be given to allow the industry to transition and close down, with crackdowns starting in 2027.\u00a0 \n\nSouth Korea\u2019s dog meat ban passed unanimously \n\nThe National Assembly passed the bill by a 208-0 vote. It will become law after being endorsed by the Cabinet Council and signed by President Yoon Suk Yeol, considered formalities since his government supports the ban. \n\n\u201cThis law is aimed at contributing to realising the values of animal rights, which pursue respect for life and a harmonious co-existence between humans and animals ,\u201d the legislation says. \n\nThe bill offers assistance to dog farmers and others in the industry in shutting down their businesses and shifting to alternatives. Details are to be worked out among government officials, farmers, experts and animal rights activists. \n\nHumane Society International called the legislation\u2019s passage \u201chistory in the making\u201d. \n\n\u201cI never thought I would see in my lifetime a ban on the cruel dog meat industry in South Korea, but this historic win for animals is testament to the passion and determination of our animal protection movement,\u201d said JungAh Chae, executive director of HSI\u2019s Korea office. \n\nIs there public support for the ban? \n\nA 2023 survey by animal rights group Korea Humane Society International (Korea HSI) and research agency NielsenIQ showed public support for a dog meat ban, with 57 per cent of the 1,500 respondents in favour. \n\nMore than 86 per cent of the adults surveyed said they have no intention of eating dogs in the future, regardless of whether they had in the past. \n\nIt also found an increased negative perception of dog meat among those in their 40s and 50s, and increased consensus on the need to protect the welfare of the animals. \n\nFarmers were extremely upset by the bill's passage, however. \n\n\u201cThis is a clear case of state violence as they are infringing on our freedom to choose our occupation. We can\u2019t just sit by idly,\u201d said Son Won Hak, a farmer and former leader of a farmers\u2019 association. \n\nSon said dog farmers will file a petition with the Constitutional Court of Korea and hold demonstrations. He said farmers will meet on Wednesday to discuss other steps. \n\nThe anti-dog meat campaign received a huge boost from the country\u2019s first lady, Kim Keon Hee, who has repeatedly expressed her support for a prohibition. She has become the subject of withering criticism and crude insults during demonstrations by farmers. \n\nThe legislation doesn't clearly specify how dog farmers and others in the industry will be supported after the ban, which will likely result in continued animosities, observers say. \n\n\u201cDogs are different from cows, chickens and pigs,\" said Kim Myung-ae, a 58-year-old Seoul resident. \"Why would you still eat dogs when they are now seen more as family-like pets than food?\u201d \n\nAnother Seoul resident, Jeong Yoon Hee, disagreed, saying whether to eat dog meat is a matter of a personal choice and dietary culture. \u201cDogs are dogs, not humans,\u201d he said. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>South Korea\u2019s parliament has passed a\u00a0landmark ban on the production and sale of dog meat.<\/p>\n<p>Although only a small minority of people still consume dog meat in South Korea, the ancient practise has been the subject of sharp criticism from foreign media and animal rights advocates. In recent years, the country\u2019s younger generations have joined calls to ban it.<\/p>\n<p>On Tuesday 9 January, parliament heeded their calls. The new bill will\u00a0make slaughtering, breeding and sales of dog meat for human consumption illegal from 2027 and punishable by two-to-three years in prison. It doesn\u2019t provide any penalties for eating dog meat.<\/p>\n<h2>How common is dog meat in South Korea?<\/h2><p>Dog meat consumption is neither explicitly banned nor legalised in South Korea.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Recent surveys show more than half of South Koreans want dog meat banned and a majority no longer eat it. But one in every three South Koreans still opposes a ban even though they don\u2019t consume it.<\/p>\n<p>There is no reliable official data on the exact size of South Korea\u2019s dog meat industry. Activists and farmers say hundreds of thousands of dogs are slaughtered for meat each year. <\/p>\n<p>In 2022, <a href="https:////">South Korea<\/strong><\/a>\u2019s national broadcaster KBS reported that more than half a million dogs were being raised for food across the country and 1,600 restaurants were selling dog meat.<\/p>\n<p>As of February 2022, there were 1,156 <a href="https:////">farms/strong>/a> breeding dogs for meat and 34 slaughterhouses, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.<\/p>\n<p>A grace period of three years will be given to allow the industry to transition and close down, with crackdowns starting in 2027.\u00a0<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Animal rights activists stage a rally opposing South Korea's traditional culture of eating dog meat in Seoul, South Korea, 8 July 2023.\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/05\/36\/68\/384x216_cmsv2_4b26ad5c-dc47-5dc0-95a4-29eb1f553c98-8053668.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/05\/36\/68\/640x360_cmsv2_4b26ad5c-dc47-5dc0-95a4-29eb1f553c98-8053668.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/05\/36\/68\/750x422_cmsv2_4b26ad5c-dc47-5dc0-95a4-29eb1f553c98-8053668.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/05\/36\/68\/828x466_cmsv2_4b26ad5c-dc47-5dc0-95a4-29eb1f553c98-8053668.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/05\/36\/68\/1080x608_cmsv2_4b26ad5c-dc47-5dc0-95a4-29eb1f553c98-8053668.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/05\/36\/68\/1200x675_cmsv2_4b26ad5c-dc47-5dc0-95a4-29eb1f553c98-8053668.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/05\/36\/68\/1920x1080_cmsv2_4b26ad5c-dc47-5dc0-95a4-29eb1f553c98-8053668.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Animal rights activists stage a rally opposing South Korea's traditional culture of eating dog meat in Seoul, South Korea, 8 July 2023.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP Photo\/Ahn Young-joon<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>South Korea\u2019s dog meat ban passed unanimously<\/h2><p>The National Assembly passed the bill by a 208-0 vote. It will become law after being endorsed by the Cabinet Council and signed by President Yoon Suk Yeol, considered formalities since his government supports the ban.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThis law is aimed at contributing to realising the values of animal rights, which pursue respect for life and a harmonious co-existence between humans and <a href="https:////">animals/strong>/a>,/u201d the legislation says.<\/p>\n<p>The bill offers assistance to dog farmers and others in the industry in shutting down their businesses and shifting to alternatives. Details are to be worked out among government officials, farmers, experts and <a href="https:////">animal rights<\/strong><\/a> activists.<\/p>\n<p>Humane Society International called the legislation\u2019s passage \u201chistory in the making\u201d.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cI never thought I would see in my lifetime a ban on the cruel dog meat industry in South Korea, but this historic win for <a href="https:////">animals/strong>/a> is testament to the passion and determination of our animal protection movement,\u201d said JungAh Chae, executive director of HSI\u2019s Korea office.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"8024310,8112822\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">How we treat animals is \u2014 and will be \u2014 key to our own survival<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">/u2018Brink of extinction\u2019: European wildcats avoided mixing with domestic cats for 2,000 years<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Is there public support for the ban?<\/h2><p>A 2023 survey by <a href="https:////">animal rights<\/strong><\/a> group Korea Humane Society International (Korea HSI) and research agency NielsenIQ showed public support for a dog meat ban, with 57 per cent of the 1,500 respondents in favour.<\/p>\n<p>More than 86 per cent of the adults surveyed said they have no intention of eating <a href="https:////">dogs/strong>/a> in the future, regardless of whether they had in the past.<\/p>\n<p>It also found an increased negative perception of dog meat among those in their 40s and 50s, and increased consensus on the need to protect the <a href="https:////">welfare/strong>/a> of the animals.<\/p>\n<p>Farmers were extremely upset by the bill's passage, however.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThis is a clear case of state violence as they are infringing on our freedom to choose our occupation. We can\u2019t just sit by idly,\u201d said Son Won Hak, a farmer and former leader of a farmers\u2019 association.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"8157012\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">German farmers descend on Berlin with tractors in protest against plans to scrap diesel tax break<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Son said dog farmers will file a petition with the Constitutional Court of Korea and hold demonstrations. He said <a href="https:////">farmers/strong>/a> will meet on Wednesday to discuss other steps.<\/p>\n<p>The anti-dog meat campaign received a huge boost from the country\u2019s first lady, Kim Keon Hee, who has repeatedly expressed her support for a prohibition. She has become the subject of withering criticism and crude insults during demonstrations by farmers.<\/p>\n<p>The legislation doesn't clearly specify how dog farmers and others in the industry will be supported after the ban, which will likely result in continued animosities, observers say.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cDogs are different from cows, chickens and pigs,\" said Kim Myung-ae, a 58-year-old Seoul resident. \"Why would you still eat dogs when they are now seen more as family-like pets than food?\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Another Seoul resident, Jeong Yoon Hee, disagreed, saying whether to eat dog meat is a matter of a personal choice and <a href="https:////">dietary/strong>/a> culture. \u201cDogs are dogs, not humans,\u201d he said.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1700492585,"updatedAt":1704794572,"publishedAt":1704794443,"firstPublishedAt":1700497066,"lastPublishedAt":1704794572,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AP Photo\/Ahn Young-joon","altText":"Dogs are seen in a cage at a dog farm in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, 27 June 2023. ","callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"caption":"Dogs are seen in a cage at a dog farm in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, 27 June 2023. ","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/05\/36\/68\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_790baf13-1a2b-561a-948b-5da2bd76819d-8053668.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":1080},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AP Photo\/Ahn Young-joon","altText":"Animal rights activists stage a rally opposing South Korea's traditional culture of eating dog meat in Seoul, South Korea, 8 July 2023. ","callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"caption":"Animal rights activists stage a rally opposing South Korea's traditional culture of eating dog meat in Seoul, South Korea, 8 July 2023. ","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/05\/36\/68\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_4b26ad5c-dc47-5dc0-95a4-29eb1f553c98-8053668.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"symons","twitter":null,"title":"Angela Symons"}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","titleRaw":"South Korea","id":7828,"title":"South Korea","slug":"south-korea"},{"urlSafeValue":"dog","titleRaw":"Dogs","id":14092,"title":"Dogs","slug":"dog"},{"urlSafeValue":"animal-rights","titleRaw":"Animal rights","id":10235,"title":"Animal rights","slug":"animal-rights"},{"urlSafeValue":"meat","titleRaw":"meat","id":26052,"title":"meat","slug":"meat"},{"urlSafeValue":"pet","titleRaw":"pet","id":13914,"title":"pet","slug":"pet"},{"urlSafeValue":"law","titleRaw":"Law","id":4624,"title":"Law","slug":"law"}],"widgets":[{"count":1,"slug":"image"},{"count":2,"slug":"related"}],"related":[{"id":2460384},{"id":2483018}],"technicalTags":[],"externalPartners":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"liveStream":[{"endDate":0,"startDate":0}],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"AP","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"Hyung-Jin Kim","freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"normal","displayType":"default","program":{"id":"green-news","urlSafeValue":"green-news","title":"Green News","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/green\/green-news\/green-news"},"vertical":"green","verticals":[{"urlSafeValue":"green","id":8,"title":"Green","slug":"green"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":8,"slug":"green","urlSafeValue":"green","title":"Green"},"themes":[{"urlSafeValue":"green-news","id":"green-news","title":"Green News","url":"\/\/\/green\/green-news"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":35,"urlSafeValue":"green-news","title":"Green News"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":"","isDfp":0},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":12,"urlSafeValue":"asia","title":"Asia"},"country":{"id":258,"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","title":"South Korea","url":"\/news\/asia\/south-korea"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gb_safe','gb_safe_from_high','gb_safe_from_high_med','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_busfin','gs_busfin_indus','gs_science','gs_business','gt_mixed','neg_saudiaramco','neg_bucherer','gs_business_agri','gs_busfin_indus_agriculture','neg_nespresso','neg_mobkoi_castrol','gs_science_geography','gs_society_misc','gv_crime','client_easports_sporting_gaming'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"showOpinionDisclaimer":0,"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":[],"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":0,"displayOverlay":0},"storyTranslationMethod":[],"localisation":[],"daletEventName":"GREEN_Dog meat could soon be banned in South Korea as concerns over animal welfare grow","path":"\/green\/2024\/01\/09\/south-korea-plans-to-ban-the-consumption-of-dog-meat-by-the-end-of-the-year","lastModified":1704794572},{"id":2444856,"cid":8136342,"versionId":3,"archive":0,"housenumber":"231227_NWWB_54360599","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"isBreakingNews":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"\u2018Parasite\u2019 actor Lee Sun-kyun found dead at age 48 ","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"\u2018Parasite\u2019 actor Lee Sun-kyun found dead at age 48 ","titleListing2":"\u2018Parasite\u2019 actor Lee Sun-kyun found dead at age 48 ","leadin":"The South Korean actor has been found dead in an apparent suicide.","summary":"The South Korean actor has been found dead in an apparent suicide.","keySentence":"","url":"parasite-actor-lee-sun-kyun-found-dead-at-age-48","canonical":"https:\/\/\/culture\/2023\/12\/27\/parasite-actor-lee-sun-kyun-found-dead-at-age-48","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun, best known for his role in the Oscar-winning movie Parasite , was found dead in a car in Seoul, authorities said, after weeks of an intense police investigation into his alleged drug use. \n\nPolice and emergency officers initially found Lee in what they believed was an unconscious state in the car parked on a street in northern Seoul. Emergency officers later confirmed he was dead, according to Seoul\u2019s Seongbuk police station. \n\nPolice had been searching for Lee, 48, after receiving a report that he was missing, Seongbuk police said. \n\nThey refused to provide further details including whether they had determined Lee killed himself. But South Korean media outlets including Yonhap news agency said that Lee\u2019s family reported to police that he left home after leaving a message similar to a suicide note. \n\nLee had undergone police probes into allegations that he used illegal drugs at the residence of a bar hostess. Lee filed a suit against two people including the hostess, alleging they blackmailed him. The investigation prompted extensive tabloid coverage. Lee insisted he was tricked into taking the drugs and that he did not know what he was taking, according to Yonhap. \n\nDrug laws in South Korea are particularly tough, and drug crimes are typically punishable by up to 14 years in prison. \n\nLee appeared in Bong Joon-ho's black comedy thriller Parasite , which won Oscars for Best Picture and three other categories in 2020.\u00a0 \n\nThe class satire was the first non-English-language film to win Best Picture in the then-92-year history of the Academy Awards, and was the first South Korean movie to win an Oscar. \n\nIn the film, Lee played Park Dong-ik, the head of a wealthy family which is infiltrated by members of a poor family posing as unrelated, highly qualified people. \n\nThe film's cast, including Lee, also won a Screen Actors Guild award for the best motion picture ensemble cast in 2020. He was also nominated for best actor at the International Emmy Awards for his performance in the sci-fi thriller Dr. Brain last year. \n\nEven before Parasite , Lee had been a popular actor in South Korea for a long time. He rose to stardom for his role in a hit TV drama series, Coffee Prince, and gained mainstream popularity with the medical drama Behind The White Tower , Pasta and My Mister .\u00a0 \n\nThe actor was married to actress Jeon Hye-jin and had two young sons with her. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun, best known for his role in the Oscar-winning movie <em>Parasite<\/em>, was found dead in a car in Seoul, authorities said, after weeks of an intense police investigation into his alleged drug use.<\/p>\n<p>Police and emergency officers initially found Lee in what they believed was an unconscious state in the car parked on a street in northern Seoul. Emergency officers later confirmed he was dead, according to Seoul\u2019s Seongbuk police station.<\/p>\n<p>Police had been searching for Lee, 48, after receiving a report that he was missing, Seongbuk police said.<\/p>\n<p>They refused to provide further details including whether they had determined Lee killed himself. But South Korean media outlets including Yonhap news agency said that Lee\u2019s family reported to police that he left home after leaving a message similar to a suicide note.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Members of the Korea Crime Scene Investigation team investigate the scene where South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun was found unconscious in Seoul, South Korea\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/384x216_cmsv2_d968230e-8b19-5f2d-9982-beeac65336c1-8136342.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/640x360_cmsv2_d968230e-8b19-5f2d-9982-beeac65336c1-8136342.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/750x422_cmsv2_d968230e-8b19-5f2d-9982-beeac65336c1-8136342.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/828x466_cmsv2_d968230e-8b19-5f2d-9982-beeac65336c1-8136342.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/1080x608_cmsv2_d968230e-8b19-5f2d-9982-beeac65336c1-8136342.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/1200x675_cmsv2_d968230e-8b19-5f2d-9982-beeac65336c1-8136342.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/1920x1080_cmsv2_d968230e-8b19-5f2d-9982-beeac65336c1-8136342.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Members of the Korea Crime Scene Investigation team investigate the scene where South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun was found unconscious in Seoul, South Korea<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP Photo<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Lee had undergone police probes into allegations that he used illegal drugs at the residence of a bar hostess. Lee filed a suit against two people including the hostess, alleging they blackmailed him. The investigation prompted extensive tabloid coverage. Lee insisted he was tricked into taking the drugs and that he did not know what he was taking, according to Yonhap.<\/p>\n<p>Drug laws in South Korea are particularly tough, and drug crimes are typically punishable by up to 14 years in prison.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Still from Parasite - Lee Sun-kyun as Park Dong-ik and Cho Yeo-jeong as Choi Yeon-gyo\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/384x216_cmsv2_400c0cff-49ab-518a-818f-ece1c78c51eb-8136342.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/640x360_cmsv2_400c0cff-49ab-518a-818f-ece1c78c51eb-8136342.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/750x422_cmsv2_400c0cff-49ab-518a-818f-ece1c78c51eb-8136342.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/828x466_cmsv2_400c0cff-49ab-518a-818f-ece1c78c51eb-8136342.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/1080x608_cmsv2_400c0cff-49ab-518a-818f-ece1c78c51eb-8136342.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/1200x675_cmsv2_400c0cff-49ab-518a-818f-ece1c78c51eb-8136342.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/1920x1080_cmsv2_400c0cff-49ab-518a-818f-ece1c78c51eb-8136342.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Still from Parasite - Lee Sun-kyun as Park Dong-ik and Cho Yeo-jeong as Choi Yeon-gyo<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">CJ Entertainment<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Lee appeared in Bong Joon-ho's black comedy thriller <em>Parasite<\/em>, which won Oscars for Best Picture and three other categories in 2020.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The class satire was the first non-English-language film to win Best Picture in the then-92-year history of the Academy Awards, and was the first South Korean movie to win an Oscar.<\/p>\n<p>In the film, Lee played Park Dong-ik, the head of a wealthy family which is infiltrated by members of a poor family posing as unrelated, highly qualified people.<\/p>\n<p>The film's cast, including Lee, also won a Screen Actors Guild award for the best motion picture ensemble cast in 2020. He was also nominated for best actor at the International Emmy Awards for his performance in the sci-fi thriller Dr. Brain last year.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.6666666666666666\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"From left: Song Kang-ho, Park So-dam, Lee Sun-kyun, and Choi Woo-shik, winners of the award for outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture for "Parasite" - 2020\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/384x256_cmsv2_ea68b6b3-bde0-5088-b9d9-54a9d98cdec9-8136342.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/640x427_cmsv2_ea68b6b3-bde0-5088-b9d9-54a9d98cdec9-8136342.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/750x500_cmsv2_ea68b6b3-bde0-5088-b9d9-54a9d98cdec9-8136342.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/828x552_cmsv2_ea68b6b3-bde0-5088-b9d9-54a9d98cdec9-8136342.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/1080x720_cmsv2_ea68b6b3-bde0-5088-b9d9-54a9d98cdec9-8136342.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/1200x800_cmsv2_ea68b6b3-bde0-5088-b9d9-54a9d98cdec9-8136342.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/1920x1280_cmsv2_ea68b6b3-bde0-5088-b9d9-54a9d98cdec9-8136342.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">From left: Song Kang-ho, Park So-dam, Lee Sun-kyun, and Choi Woo-shik, winners of the award for outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture for "Parasite" - 2020<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Colin Young-Wolff\/ Invision\/ AP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Even before <em>Parasite<\/em>, Lee had been a popular actor in South Korea for a long time. He rose to stardom for his role in a hit TV drama series, Coffee Prince, and gained mainstream popularity with the medical drama <em>Behind The White Tower<\/em>, <em>Pasta<\/em> and <em>My Mister<\/em>.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The actor was married to actress Jeon Hye-jin and had two young sons with her.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1703654892,"updatedAt":1703669043,"publishedAt":1703665198,"firstPublishedAt":1703665203,"lastPublishedAt":1703667271,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Getty Images","altText":"\u2018Parasite\u2019 actor Lee Sun-kyun found dead at age 48 ","callToActionText":null,"width":1600,"caption":"\u2018Parasite\u2019 actor Lee Sun-kyun found dead at age 48 ","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_ef2a3824-b46d-5f69-9d52-464b5989fe69-8136342.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":900},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Colin Young-Wolff\/ Invision\/ AP","altText":"From left: Song Kang-ho, Park So-dam, Lee Sun-kyun, and Choi Woo-shik, winners of the award for outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture for \"Parasite\" - 2020","callToActionText":null,"width":4464,"caption":"From left: Song Kang-ho, Park So-dam, Lee Sun-kyun, and Choi Woo-shik, winners of the award for outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture for \"Parasite\" - 2020","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_ea68b6b3-bde0-5088-b9d9-54a9d98cdec9-8136342.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":2976},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"CJ Entertainment","altText":"Still from Parasite - Lee Sun-kyun as Park Dong-ik and Cho Yeo-jeong as Choi Yeon-gyo","callToActionText":null,"width":1600,"caption":"Still from Parasite - Lee Sun-kyun as Park Dong-ik and Cho Yeo-jeong as Choi Yeon-gyo","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_400c0cff-49ab-518a-818f-ece1c78c51eb-8136342.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":900},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AP Photo","altText":"Members of the Korea Crime Scene Investigation team investigate the scene where South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun was found unconscious in Seoul, South Korea","callToActionText":null,"width":1600,"caption":"Members of the Korea Crime Scene Investigation team investigate the scene where South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun was found unconscious in Seoul, South Korea","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/42\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_d968230e-8b19-5f2d-9982-beeac65336c1-8136342.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":900},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Seo Dae-youn\/AP","altText":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"caption":null,"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/63\/48\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_d8f53758-e877-5911-99e9-9142600642e4-8136348.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":683}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"mouriquand","twitter":null,"title":"David Mouriquand"}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"urlSafeValue":"cinema","titleRaw":"Cinema","id":322,"title":"Cinema","slug":"cinema"},{"urlSafeValue":"suicide","titleRaw":"Suicide","id":12233,"title":"Suicide","slug":"suicide"},{"urlSafeValue":"movie","titleRaw":"film","id":16410,"title":"film","slug":"movie"},{"urlSafeValue":"actor","titleRaw":"actor","id":14216,"title":"actor","slug":"actor"},{"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","titleRaw":"South Korea","id":7828,"title":"South Korea","slug":"south-korea"},{"urlSafeValue":"obituaries","titleRaw":"Obituary ","id":12848,"title":"Obituary 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Korea"},"grapeshot":"'gv_death_injury','gb_death_injury_high_med','gb_death_injury_high_med_low','gb_death_injury_news-ent','gb_safe_from_high','gs_popculture','gt_negative','gs_popculture_celebdeath','gs_entertain','gs_entertain_movies','gv_drugs','gb_drugs_edu','gb_drugs_high_med_low','gs_science'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet-web","format":"default"},"showOpinionDisclaimer":0,"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":[],"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":0,"displayOverlay":0},"storyTranslationMethod":[],"localisation":[],"daletEventName":"Lee Sun-kyun","path":"\/culture\/2023\/12\/27\/parasite-actor-lee-sun-kyun-found-dead-at-age-48","lastModified":1703667271},{"id":2442466,"cid":8130094,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"231222_TNSU_54332554","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"isBreakingNews":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"South Korea is launching a digital nomad visa. Here\u2019s why you should visit in 2024","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"This East Asian nation is launching a digital nomad visa in 2024","titleListing2":"South Korea is launching a digital nomad visa. Here\u2019s why you should visit in 2024","leadin":"Immerse yourself in 'K-culture' with this new remote work visa.","summary":"Immerse yourself in 'K-culture' with this new remote work visa.","keySentence":"","url":"south-korea-is-launching-a-digital-nomad-visa-heres-why-you-should-visit-in-2024","canonical":"https:\/\/\/travel\/2023\/12\/22\/south-korea-is-launching-a-digital-nomad-visa-heres-why-you-should-visit-in-2024","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"South Korea is launching a digital nomad visa in 2024 and it will allow remote workers to stay in the country for up to two years. \n\nIt will be joined by a new \u2018K Culture Training Visa\u2019 that aims to capitalise on the popularity of Korean culture by drawing young people to the country to learn more about it. \n\n\u2018K Culture Events\u2019 will be held throughout 2024 spotlighting Korean music, food and beauty. A \u2018K Tourism Road Show\u2019 will also hit countries around the world from the US to Sweden. \n\nSouth Korea\u2019s digital nomad visa: What we know so far \n\nThe requirements for South Korea\u2019s digital nomad visa are yet to be announced, but it is expected to be available in the second half of next year. \n\nCurrently, most EU citizens can enter South Korea without a visa and stay for up to 90 days. \n\nAs well as investing in and promoting regional tourism, South Korea\u2019s government aims to make it easier for foreign tourists to visit by developing English-language guides and transport booking tools with the help of AI. \n\nThe country hopes that these initiatives will help it reach the goal of welcoming 30 million tourists per year and $30 billion (\u20ac27 bn) in tourism revenue by 2027. In 2019, the country saw a high of 17.5 million international visitors. \n\nWhy visit South Korea in 2024? \n\nAs well as the launch of South Korea\u2019s digital nomad visa , there are plenty of reasons to visit the East Asian nation in 2024. \n\nIn January, the Gangwon Winter Youth Olympic Games will see a record 1,900 young athletes compete in everything from judo to ice hockey. \n\nApart from the Opening Ceremony, tickets for all events are free of charge. The Games will be accompanied by an exciting lineup of cultural events featuring renowned Korean DJs, snow tubing and curling. \n\nAttendees are encouraged to explore nearby attractions like the Daegwallyeong Snow Festival, featuring more cold weather activities and epic snow sculptures. \n\nIn the capital Seoul, a Robot and AI Museum is slated to open in late 2024, while in the country\u2019s second city the Busan Museum of Art is getting a high-tech makeover. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>South Korea is launching a digital nomad visa in 2024 and it will allow remote workers to stay in the country for up to two years.<\/p>\n<p>It will be joined by a new \u2018K Culture Training Visa\u2019 that aims to capitalise on the popularity of Korean culture by drawing young people to the country to learn more about it.<\/p>\n<p>\u2018K Culture Events\u2019 will be held throughout 2024 spotlighting Korean music, food and beauty. A \u2018K Tourism Road Show\u2019 will also hit countries around the world from the US to Sweden.<\/p>\n<h2>South Korea\u2019s digital nomad visa: What we know so far<\/h2><p>The requirements for South Korea\u2019s <a href="https:////">digital nomad visa<\/strong><\/a> are yet to be announced, but it is expected to be available in the second half of next year.<\/p>\n<p>Currently, most EU citizens can enter South Korea without a visa and stay for up to 90 days.<\/p>\n<p>As well as investing in and promoting regional tourism, South Korea\u2019s government aims to make it easier for foreign tourists to visit by developing <a href="https:////">English-language/strong>/a> guides and transport booking tools with the help of AI.<\/p>\n<p>The country hopes that these initiatives will help it reach the goal of welcoming 30 million <a href="https:////">tourists/strong>/a> per year and $30 billion (\u20ac27 bn) in tourism revenue by 2027. In 2019, the country saw a high of 17.5 million international visitors.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"8031762,8085080\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Which digital nomad visas offer the longest stays, lowest fees and easiest applications?<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Where in Europe speaks the best English and where will Anglophones struggle?<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Why visit South Korea in 2024?<\/h2><p>As well as the launch of South Korea\u2019s digital nomad <a href="https:////">visa/strong>/a>, there are plenty of reasons to visit the East Asian nation in 2024.<\/p>\n<p>In January, the Gangwon Winter Youth <a href="https:////">Olympic Games<\/strong><\/a> will see a record 1,900 young athletes compete in everything from judo to ice hockey.<\/p>\n<p>Apart from the Opening Ceremony, tickets for all events are free of charge. The Games will be accompanied by an exciting lineup of cultural events featuring renowned <a href="https:////">Korean/strong>/a> DJs, snow tubing and curling.<\/p>\n<p>Attendees are encouraged to explore nearby attractions like the Daegwallyeong Snow Festival, featuring more cold weather activities and epic snow sculptures.<\/p>\n<p>In the capital Seoul, a Robot and AI Museum is slated to open in late 2024, while in the country\u2019s second city the <a href="https:////">Busan/strong>/a> Museum of Art is getting a high-tech makeover.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1703264697,"updatedAt":1703265039,"publishedAt":1703265036,"firstPublishedAt":1703265039,"lastPublishedAt":1703265039,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Canva","altText":"Digital nomads could soon make Seoul their base.","callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"caption":"Digital nomads could soon make Seoul their base.","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/13\/00\/94\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_e0e7b1f9-5bba-5df0-bc57-ceee80b44a93-8130094.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"symons","twitter":null,"title":"Angela Symons"}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"urlSafeValue":"digital-nomad","titleRaw":"digital nomad","id":24502,"title":"digital nomad","slug":"digital-nomad"},{"urlSafeValue":"remote-working","titleRaw":"remote working","id":24504,"title":"remote working","slug":"remote-working"},{"urlSafeValue":"travel-visa","titleRaw":"Travel visa","id":15254,"title":"Travel visa","slug":"travel-visa"},{"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","titleRaw":"South Korea","id":7828,"title":"South Korea","slug":"south-korea"},{"urlSafeValue":"seoul","titleRaw":"Seoul","id":7975,"title":"Seoul","slug":"seoul"},{"urlSafeValue":"co-working","titleRaw":"co-working ","id":24500,"title":"co-working ","slug":"co-working"}],"widgets":[{"count":1,"slug":"related"}],"related":[{"id":2495616}],"technicalTags":[],"externalPartners":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"liveStream":[{"endDate":0,"startDate":0}],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":null,"additionalSources":null,"additionalReporting":null,"freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"normal","displayType":"default","program":{"id":"travel-news","urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel News","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/travel\/travel-news\/travel-news"},"vertical":"travel","verticals":[{"urlSafeValue":"travel","id":7,"title":"Travel","slug":"travel"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":7,"slug":"travel","urlSafeValue":"travel","title":"Travel"},"themes":[{"urlSafeValue":"travel-news","id":"travel-news","title":"Travel News","url":"\/\/\/travel\/travel-news"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":21,"urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel News"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":"","isDfp":0},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":12,"urlSafeValue":"asia","title":"Asia"},"country":{"id":258,"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","title":"South Korea","url":"\/news\/asia\/south-korea"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','gb_safe_from_high','gb_safe_from_high_med','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_sport','gs_science','gt_positive','gs_science_geography','gs_hobby','gs_entertain_arts','gs_sport_olympics','gs_event_olympics','gs_event_music_festival','gs_seasevnt_musicfest','bespoke_kaspersky','client_easports_sporting_gaming','gs_sport_olympics_winter','eap-gs-homerfaber-fs-30july19','eap_gs_culture'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"showOpinionDisclaimer":0,"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":[],"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":0,"displayOverlay":0},"storyTranslationMethod":[],"localisation":[],"daletEventName":"TRAVEL_South Korea is launching a digital nomad visa. Here\u2019s why you should visit in 2024","path":"\/travel\/2023\/12\/22\/south-korea-is-launching-a-digital-nomad-visa-heres-why-you-should-visit-in-2024","lastModified":1703265039},{"id":2433434,"cid":8103008,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"231212_HLSU_54191791","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"isBreakingNews":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Scared of injections? New IV needle designed to go soft in the body could be safer and hurt less","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Scared of injections? This floppy IV needle might change your mind","titleListing2":"Scared of injections? New IV needle designed to go soft in the body could be safer and hurt less","leadin":"The new IV needle, which is rigid at room temperature like a conventional one, softens when it is inserted and reaches body temperature.","summary":"The new IV needle, which is rigid at room temperature like a conventional one, softens when it is inserted and reaches body temperature.","keySentence":"","url":"scared-of-injections-new-iv-needle-designed-to-go-soft-in-the-body-could-be-safer-and-hurt","canonical":"https:\/\/\/health\/2023\/12\/12\/scared-of-injections-new-iv-needle-designed-to-go-soft-in-the-body-could-be-safer-and-hurt","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Bioengineers in South Korea have succeeded in developing an intravenous needle (IV) that can bend and flex as it enters the human body. \n\nThe softening IV needle is rigid at room temperature, similar to the rigidity of a conventional IV plastic catheter of similar size. \n\nOnce it is inserted inside the tissue, it softens within 60 seconds, responding to the body temperature. \n\nIntravenous injection is a commonly used method of directly injecting drugs into blood vessels, which allows medication to rapidly take effect and for continuous drug administration. \n\nBut conventional IV needles are made of hard materials such as metal or plastic that can cause damage and inflammation to soft tissues around the injection site. \n\nAccording to experts, conventional IV needles also often fail before the IVs reach the end of their intended lifespan, primarily due to the movement of the rigid IV in the thin-walled vein. \n\n\"Commercially available peripheral intravenous access devices are made up of stainless steel or rigid plastic that does not match with the softness of biological tissues,\" Karen-Christian Agno, a PhD candidate at the School of Electrical Engineering of Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), told Euronews Next. \n\n\"This mismatch can cause problems affecting both the patient who will receive the IV injection and the nurse who will give the IV medication. The softening IV needle aims to overcome the current limitations of the commercial rigid IV access devices\". \n\nReducing the risk of damaging tissue \n\nResearchers at KAIST believe that the softening effect of the needle can pote ntially reduce the risk of damaging the vein of a patient under IV treatment. \n\nBecause the needle has a tissue-like softness and is freely deformable, it would allow increased movement and comfort for patients. \n\nThe softening needle has potentially benefits not only for patients but also for health workers. \n\nHealthcare workers are often subject to a higher risk of contracting infections, such as Hepatitis B and C, and HIV, especially after the use of IV needles because of their direct contact with blood. \n\n\"These concerns can be attributed to the rigidity of the structure of the commercial IV access devices, which the softening IV needle hopes to overcome,\" said Agno. \n\nIt\u2019s made of metal fluid gallium, which has a low melting temperature below the normal body temperature, and good biocompatibility, allowing the needle to soften and mould itself into the shape of vessels. \n\n\"The gallium-based needle frame can be made by injection moulding strategy, or by using reusable moulds. The current fabrication does not require any huge equipment or facility, as compared to how conventional medical needles are manufactured,\" said Agno. \n\n'Widespread' problem: Unethical reuse of IV needles \n\nIn 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 40 per cent of the 16 billion injections administered worldwide each year were given with reused syringes and needles without sterilisation. \n\nThis led to 1.3 million deaths annually and almost 26 million years of life lost, mainly because of transmission of hepatitis B and C, or HIV. \n\nThe researchers behind the study hope that the softening needle can prevent the unethical reuse of IV needles. \n\nOnce the needle has been used, it remains soft and non-reusable. \n\n\"This means that the needle cannot be reused for another injection. And therefore it can prevent needlestick injuries and reuse of needles,\" said Agno. \n\nThe needle has an ultra-thin temperature sensor inside to help monitor body temperature as changes in body temperature may happen and should be closely monitored when a patient receives an IV medication. \n\nIt can also sense unintended leakage of infused fluid in the subcutaneous layers due to a wrongly placed needle. \n\nThe softening needle has so far been tested in vein phantoms (devices scientifically designed to resemble human tissue), ex vivo porcine tissue, and mice. As a result, the needle performs similarly in fluid delivery and can even cause less inflammation compared to commercial devices, according to the researchers. \n\n\"I personally hope that this device can later be translated for clinical application\u2026 Future research work must include further improvement of the encapsulation and packaging of the needle to reduce risk of gallium leakage,\" Agno said. \n\n\"In addition, additional systematic biocompatibility studies, to know the toxicity level of the device for example, are needed to verify the long-term safety of the needle in the vein in relation to the potential gallium leakage,\" she added. \n\nFor more on this story, watch the video in the media player above. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Bioengineers in South Korea have succeeded in developing an intravenous needle (IV) that can bend and flex as it enters the human body.<\/p>\n<p>The softening IV needle is rigid at room temperature, similar to the rigidity of a conventional IV plastic catheter of similar size.<\/p>\n<p>Once it is inserted inside the tissue, it softens within 60 seconds, responding to the body temperature.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"6305290\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Could this needle-free vaccine better protect us against new COVID variants? <\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Intravenous injection is a commonly used method of directly injecting drugs into blood vessels, which allows medication to rapidly take effect and for continuous drug administration.<\/p>\n<p>But conventional IV needles are made of hard materials such as metal or plastic that can cause damage and inflammation to soft tissues around the injection site.<\/p>\n<p>According to experts, conventional IV needles also often fail before the IVs reach the end of their intended lifespan, primarily due to the movement of the rigid IV in the thin-walled vein.<\/p>\n<p>\"Commercially available peripheral intravenous access devices are made up of stainless steel or rigid plastic that does not match with the softness of biological tissues,\" Karen-Christian Agno, a PhD candidate at the School of Electrical Engineering of Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), told Euronews Next.<\/p>\n<p>\"This mismatch can cause problems affecting both the patient who will receive the IV injection and the nurse who will give the IV medication. The softening IV needle aims to overcome the current limitations of the commercial rigid IV access devices\".<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7475062\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Hangover cure? Hormone shot that sobers up mice offers hope for treating drunk humans<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Reducing the risk of damaging tissue<\/h2><p>Researchers at KAIST believe that the softening effect of the needle can potentially reduce the risk of damaging the vein of a patient under IV treatment.<\/p>\n<p>Because the needle has a tissue-like softness and is freely deformable, it would allow increased movement and comfort for patients.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-quotation\n widget--size-medium\n widget--align-right\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__content\">\n <blockquote class=\"widget__quote\">\n <span class=\"widget__quoteText\">The needle cannot be reused for another injection. And therefore it can prevent needlestick injuries and reuse of needles.<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n <cite class=\"widget__author\">\n <div class=\"widget__authorText\">\n Karen-Christian Agno\n <\/div>\n <div class=\"widget__author_descriptionText\">\n PhD candidate, KAIST\n <\/div>\n <\/cite>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>The softening needle has potentially benefits not only for patients but also for health workers.<\/p>\n<p>Healthcare workers are often subject to a higher risk of contracting infections, such as Hepatitis B and C, and HIV, especially after the use of IV needles because of their direct contact with blood.<\/p>\n<p>\"These concerns can be attributed to the rigidity of the structure of the commercial IV access devices, which the softening IV needle hopes to overcome,\" said Agno.<\/p>\n<p>It\u2019s made of metal fluid gallium, which has a low melting temperature below the normal body temperature, and good biocompatibility, allowing the needle to soften and mould itself into the shape of vessels.<\/p>\n<p>\"The gallium-based needle frame can be made by injection moulding strategy, or by using reusable moulds. The current fabrication does not require any huge equipment or facility, as compared to how conventional medical needles are manufactured,\" said Agno.<\/p>\n<h2><strong>'Widespread' problem: Unethical reuse of IV needles<\/strong><\/h2><p>In 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 40 per cent of the 16 billion injections administered worldwide each year were given with reused syringes and needles without sterilisation.<\/p>\n<p>This led to 1.3 million deaths annually and almost 26 million years of life lost, mainly because of transmission of hepatitis B and C, or HIV.<\/p>\n<p>The researchers behind the study hope that the softening needle can prevent the unethical reuse of IV needles.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"6900160\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">South Korean scientists have developed new 'e-tattoos' that can monitor health conditions<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Once the needle has been used, it remains soft and non-reusable.<\/p>\n<p>\"This means that the needle cannot be reused for another injection. And therefore it can prevent needlestick injuries and reuse of needles,\" said Agno.<\/p>\n<p>The needle has an ultra-thin temperature sensor inside to help monitor body temperature as changes in body temperature may happen and should be closely monitored when a patient receives an IV medication.<\/p>\n<p>It can also sense unintended leakage of infused fluid in the subcutaneous layers due to a wrongly placed needle.<\/p>\n<p>The softening needle has so far been tested in vein phantoms (devices scientifically designed to resemble human tissue), ex vivo porcine tissue, and mice. As a result, the needle performs similarly in fluid delivery and can even cause less inflammation compared to commercial devices, according to the researchers.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"8091248\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Do you have high blood pressure? Your spouse might too, study finds<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>\"I personally hope that this device can later be translated for clinical application\u2026 Future research work must include further improvement of the encapsulation and packaging of the needle to reduce risk of gallium leakage,\" Agno said.<\/p>\n<p>\"In addition, additional systematic biocompatibility studies, to know the toxicity level of the device for example, are needed to verify the long-term safety of the needle in the vein in relation to the potential gallium leakage,\" she added.<\/p>\n<p><strong>For more on this story, watch the video in the media player above.<\/strong><\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1702373148,"updatedAt":1702915198,"publishedAt":1702387292,"firstPublishedAt":1702387295,"lastPublishedAt":1702387295,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"KAIST","altText":"Researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology have succeeded in developing an intravenous needle (IV) that can bend and flex as it enters the human body.","callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"caption":"Researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology have succeeded in developing an intravenous needle (IV) that can bend and flex as it enters the human body.","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/08\/10\/30\/08\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_aeb48cad-5ffa-541a-8128-5a58fa16292e-8103008.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"min","twitter":"@MinRoselyne","title":"Roselyne Min"}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[{"urlSafeValue":"min","twitter":"@MinRoselyne","title":"Roselyne Min"}]},"keywords":[{"urlSafeValue":"syringe","titleRaw":"syringe","id":27008,"title":"syringe","slug":"syringe"},{"urlSafeValue":"who","titleRaw":"WHO","id":7629,"title":"WHO","slug":"who"},{"urlSafeValue":"medical-sciences","titleRaw":"Medical Sciences","id":14626,"title":"Medical Sciences","slug":"medical-sciences"},{"urlSafeValue":"bio-ethics","titleRaw":"Bio-Ethics","id":30,"title":"Bio-Ethics","slug":"bio-ethics"}],"widgets":[{"count":1,"slug":"quotation"},{"count":4,"slug":"related"}],"related":[{"id":2431208},{"id":2430414},{"id":2435746}],"technicalTags":[],"externalPartners":{"youtubeId":"TRLysM8aYw8","dailymotionId":"x8qhdt1"},"video":1,"videos":[{"duration":81360,"editor":"","filesizeBytes":10338464,"format":"mp4","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/med\/EN\/HL\/SU\/23\/12\/12\/en\/231212_HLSU_54191791_54191817_81360_114427_en.mp4","expiresAt":0,"quality":"md"},{"duration":81360,"editor":"","filesizeBytes":15650976,"format":"mp4","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/EN\/HL\/SU\/23\/12\/12\/en\/231212_HLSU_54191791_54191817_81360_114427_en.mp4","expiresAt":0,"quality":"hd"}],"liveStream":[{"endDate":0,"startDate":0}],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":null,"additionalSources":null,"additionalReporting":null,"freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"normal","displayType":"default","program":{"id":"health-news","urlSafeValue":"health-news","title":"Health 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Korea","url":"\/news\/asia\/south-korea"},"town":{"id":3928,"urlSafeValue":"daejeon","title":"Daejeon"},"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','gb_safe_from_high','gb_safe_from_high_med','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_health','gs_health_misc','gs_busfin','neg_intel_en','neg_mobkoi_castrol','neg_nespresso','neg_mobkoi_feb2021','neg_audi_list2','gt_negative','gs_busfin_indus','gs_science_misc','gs_science'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"showOpinionDisclaimer":0,"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":[],"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":0,"displayOverlay":0},"storyTranslationMethod":[],"localisation":[],"daletEventName":"NEXT bending needle","path":"\/health\/2023\/12\/12\/scared-of-injections-new-iv-needle-designed-to-go-soft-in-the-body-could-be-safer-and-hurt","lastModified":1702387295},{"id":2391108,"cid":7959850,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"231011_BUSU_53418722","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"isBreakingNews":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Samsung profits at 8-year low, but hope is in sight","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Samsung profits at 8-year low, but hope is in sight","titleListing2":"Samsung profits at 8-year low, but hope is in sight","leadin":"The South Korean tech company published its early estimates for the third quarter of 2023 on Wednesday, announcing a 78% drop in profits compared to the same time last year. The results are better than expected.","summary":"The South Korean tech company published its early estimates for the third quarter of 2023 on Wednesday, announcing a 78% drop in profits compared to the same time last year. The results are better than expected.","keySentence":"","url":"samsung-profits-at-8-year-low-but-hope-is-in-sight","canonical":"https:\/\/\/business\/2023\/10\/11\/samsung-profits-at-8-year-low-but-hope-is-in-sight","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"The world's largest memory chip and smartphone maker estimated its operating profit fell to 2.4 trillion won (\u20ac1.69 billion) in July-September, from 10.85 trillion won a year earlier, in a short preliminary earnings statement . \n\nAlthough such results are not synonymous with good news, they are still better than expected. The third-quarter profit drop is smaller than earlier estimates forecasted, as the battered memory chip market shows early signs of recovering from a severe downturn. \n\n\"Although the situation is not great in the chip business... the decline in memory prices is easing, and further drops will be limited,\" said Ko Yeongmin, an analyst at Daol Investment & Securities. \n\nThough down sharply from last year, Samsung's third quarter profit was well above the first quarter's 640 billion won, the lowest since 2009, and the second quarter's 670 billion won. \n\nA global economic slowdown and high interest rates dampened demand for most consumer goods following a pandemic-driven boom, with consumers holding off on purchasing new smartphones or computers. This forced chipmakers to cut production in an attempt to stem falling prices. \n\nThe detailed earnings release is due on 31 October, but Samsung already announced its revenue likely fell 13% from the same period a year earlier to 67 trillion won. \n\nThe company's mobile business likely reported an operating profit of around 3 trillion won, similar to last year, according to an average of forecasts from five analysts. The company launched its premium foldable smartphones during the quarter, drumming up sales despite the sluggish global smartphone market. \n\nThe third quarter is normally strong for Samsung's mobile and display businesses given that is when it launches its flagship smartphones. Demand for display panels from clients like Apple rises before the debut of the latest iPhone, which was released in September.\u00a0 \n\n","htmlText":"<p>The world's largest memory chip and smartphone maker estimated its operating profit fell to 2.4 trillion won (\u20ac1.69 billion) in July-September, from 10.85 trillion won a year earlier, in a short <a href="https:////">preliminary earnings statement<\/strong><\/a>.<\/p>\n<p>Although such results are not synonymous with good news, they are still better than expected. The third-quarter profit drop is smaller than earlier estimates forecasted, as the battered memory chip market shows early signs of recovering from a severe downturn.<\/p>\n<p>\"Although the situation is not great in the chip business... the decline in memory prices is easing, and further drops will be limited,\" said Ko Yeongmin, an analyst at Daol Investment & Securities.<\/p>\n<p>Though down sharply from last year, Samsung's third quarter profit was well above the first quarter's 640 billion won, the lowest since 2009, and the second quarter's 670 billion won.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7956464,7914112\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">EU fines Intel \u20ac376.36 million for breaching antitrust rules in computer chip market<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Israel's tech sector goes to a war footing as staff face call-ups and investors brace for conflict<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>A global economic slowdown and high interest rates dampened demand for most consumer goods following a pandemic-driven boom, with consumers holding off on purchasing new smartphones or computers. This forced <a href="https:////">chipmakers/strong>/a> to cut production in an attempt to stem falling prices.<\/p>\n<p>The detailed earnings release is due on 31 October, but Samsung already announced its revenue likely fell 13% from the same period a year earlier to 67 trillion won.<\/p>\n<p>The company's mobile business likely reported an operating profit of around 3 trillion won, similar to last year, according to an average of forecasts from five analysts. The company launched its premium foldable smartphones during the quarter, drumming up sales despite the sluggish global smartphone market.<\/p>\n<p>The third quarter is normally strong for Samsung's mobile and display businesses given that is when it launches its flagship smartphones. Demand for display panels from clients like Apple rises before the debut of the latest iPhone, which was released in September.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1697016134,"updatedAt":1697016785,"publishedAt":1697016775,"firstPublishedAt":1697016785,"lastPublishedAt":1697016785,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"JUNG YEON-JE\/AFP","altText":"The logo of Samsung Electronics at the company's headquarters in Suwon, South Korea.","callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"caption":"The logo of Samsung Electronics at the company's headquarters in Suwon, South Korea.","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/95\/98\/50\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_1f0c4491-eb8c-5cbd-b3c8-1de5223d2c21-7959850.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":682}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"urlSafeValue":"samsung","titleRaw":"Samsung","id":10097,"title":"Samsung","slug":"samsung"},{"urlSafeValue":"market-results","titleRaw":"Market results","id":11103,"title":"Market results","slug":"market-results"},{"urlSafeValue":"electronic-chip","titleRaw":"Electronic chip","id":26288,"title":"Electronic chip","slug":"electronic-chip"},{"urlSafeValue":"smartphone","titleRaw":"Smartphone","id":11420,"title":"Smartphone","slug":"smartphone"}],"widgets":[{"count":1,"slug":"related"}],"related":[{"id":2368670},{"id":2274844}],"technicalTags":[{"path":"vertical-business"},{"path":""},{"path":"vertical-business"}],"externalPartners":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"liveStream":[{"endDate":0,"startDate":0}],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"Reuters","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"Euronews ","freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"normal","displayType":"default","program":{"id":"markets","urlSafeValue":"markets","title":"Markets","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/business\/markets\/markets"},"vertical":"business","verticals":[{"urlSafeValue":"business","id":11,"title":"Business","slug":"business"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":11,"slug":"business","urlSafeValue":"business","title":"Business"},"themes":[{"urlSafeValue":"markets","id":"markets","title":"Markets","url":"\/\/\/business\/markets"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":74,"urlSafeValue":"markets","title":"Markets"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":"","isDfp":0},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":12,"urlSafeValue":"asia","title":"Asia"},"country":{"id":258,"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","title":"South Korea","url":"\/news\/asia\/south-korea"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','gb_safe_from_high','gb_safe_from_high_med','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_busfin','gs_busfin_economy','gs_economy','gs_business','gs_business_misc','gs_tech_consumer','gs_tech_consumer_smartphone','gs_tech_phones','bespoke_kaspersky','custom_investment'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"showOpinionDisclaimer":0,"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":[],"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":0,"displayOverlay":0},"storyTranslationMethod":[],"localisation":[],"daletEventName":"BUSINESS - SAMSUNG RESULTS","path":"\/business\/2023\/10\/11\/samsung-profits-at-8-year-low-but-hope-is-in-sight","lastModified":1697016785},{"id":2385052,"cid":7940496,"versionId":4,"archive":0,"housenumber":"231003_BZWB_53321605","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"isBreakingNews":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Meet South Korea's new artificial intelligence-based virtual avatars","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Meet South Korea's new artificial intelligence-based virtual avatars","titleListing2":"\u2018Stars in the past were dependent on one person\u2019: Meet South Korea's new artificial intelligence-based virtual avatars","leadin":"Meet Zaein, one of South Korea's most active virtual humans, created with artificial intelligence (AI).","summary":"Meet Zaein, one of South Korea's most active virtual humans, created with artificial intelligence (AI).","keySentence":"","url":"meet-south-koreas-new-artificial-intelligence-based-virtual-avatars","canonical":"https:\/\/\/next\/2023\/10\/03\/meet-south-koreas-new-artificial-intelligence-based-virtual-avatars","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"With sleek black hair and discreet makeup, Zaein can sing, read the news and sell luxury clothes - but she\u2019s not just any South Korean star. \n\nZaein is one of the most active virtual avatars in the country and is powered by deepfake technology. \n\nSouth Korea is embracing artificial intelligence (AI) in many fields, from news using Deepfake presenters to AI pastors. \n\nDeepfake avatars are trending \n\nZaein is a creation of the company Pulse9. Specialising in AI, this South Korean company has already created several digital characters for some of the country's biggest conglomerates, including retail giant Shinsegae. \n\nThey are \"working on developing the technology to broaden AI human use,\" Park Ji-Eun, the company's CEO, told AFP. \n\nIn the homeland of K-pop, star agencies were the first to invest in the development of virtual avatars. \n\nPulse9 wants \u201cto show that these virtual humans aren't just fantasy idols but can coexist with humans as colleagues and friends,\" Park said. \n\n\"Virtual humans are basically capable of carrying out much of what real people do,\" she added, though human input is still needed in the process, \u201cuntil a really strong AI is developed\u201d. \n\nZaein's face was designed using a process known as deep learning, which teaches computers with a method based on the human brain. The algorithm scanned the faces of K-pop stars over the past twenty years. \n\nA dozen human beings, each with different talents (singing, dancing, acting...), helped to build the character of Zaein by being overlapped with the deepfake. \n\n\"I think it can be a good practice for people who want to become celebrities and that's what appealed to me,\" one of the actors told AFP. She could not be named due to company policy. \n\n\"I'd love to try acting as a man if I can manage my voice well, and maybe a foreigner -- something that I can't become in real life,\" she added. \n\nAI flourishing in South Korea \n\nThe country is \u201ca global leader in the production of AI patents, and is an important contributor to AI research,\u201d according to a brief from Georgetown University\u2019s Center for Security and Emerging Technology . \n\nIt\u2019s also an important manufacturer of semiconductors, which are necessary for AI development. \n\nAI also appears to be a rapidly growing market, with $2.76 billion (\u20ac2.60 billion) invested in privately held South Korean AI companies in 2021, according to Georgetown. \n\nReuters has reported that the legal rules in South Korea are seen as less restrictive than the EU\u2019s. \n\n\"In order for Korean companies to have strength in the global AI ecosystem, each company must first secure specialised technology for vertical AI,\" or AI designed and optimised for specific uses, LG AI research chief Kyunghoon Bae, told Reuters. \n\nAI-powered prayer apps are also popular, according to The Korea Economic Daily . \n\nMeadow, a Christian chatbot, claimed it secured 50,000 users within three days of its launch. Another tool, Biblely uses AI to create Deepfake audios after being trained with different church pastors\u2019 recordings. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>With sleek black hair and discreet makeup, Zaein can sing, read the news and sell luxury clothes - but she\u2019s not just any South Korean star.<\/p>\n<p>Zaein is one of the most active virtual avatars in the country and is powered by deepfake technology.<\/p>\n<p>South Korea is embracing artificial intelligence (AI) in many fields, from news using Deepfake presenters to AI pastors.<\/p>\n<h2>Deepfake avatars are trending<\/h2><p>Zaein is a creation of the company Pulse9. Specialising in AI, this South Korean company has already created several digital characters for some of the country's biggest conglomerates, including retail giant Shinsegae.<\/p>\n<p>They are \"working on developing the technology to broaden AI human use,\" Park Ji-Eun, the company's CEO, told AFP.<\/p>\n<p>In the homeland of K-pop, star agencies were the first to invest in the development of virtual avatars.<\/p>\n<p>Pulse9 wants \u201cto show that these virtual humans aren't just fantasy idols but can coexist with humans as colleagues and friends,\" Park said.<\/p>\n<p>\"Virtual humans are basically capable of carrying out much of what real people do,\" she added, though human input is still needed in the process, \u201cuntil a really strong AI is developed\u201d.<\/p>\n<p>Zaein's face was designed using a process known as deep learning, which teaches computers with a method based on the human brain. The algorithm scanned the faces of K-pop stars over the past twenty years.<\/p>\n<p>A dozen human beings, each with different talents (singing, dancing, acting...), helped to build the character of Zaein by being overlapped with the deepfake.<\/p>\n<p>\"I think it can be a good practice for people who want to become celebrities and that's what appealed to me,\" one of the actors told AFP. She could not be named due to company policy.<\/p>\n<p>\"I'd love to try acting as a man if I can manage my voice well, and maybe a foreigner -- something that I can't become in real life,\" she added.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7906740\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Naked deepfake images of teenage girls shock Spanish town: But is it an AI crime? <\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>AI flourishing in South Korea<\/h2><p>The country is \u201ca global leader in the production of AI patents, and is an important contributor to AI research,\u201d according to a brief from <a href="https:////">Georgetown University\u2019s Center for Security and Emerging Technology<\/strong><\/a>.<\/p>\n<p>It\u2019s also an important manufacturer of semiconductors, which are necessary for AI development.<\/p>\n<p>AI also appears to be a rapidly growing market, with $2.76 billion (\u20ac2.60 billion) invested in privately held South Korean AI companies in 2021, according to Georgetown.<\/p>\n<p>Reuters has reported that the legal rules in South Korea are seen as less restrictive than the EU\u2019s.<\/p>\n<p>\"In order for Korean companies to have strength in the global AI ecosystem, each company must first secure specialised technology for vertical AI,\" or AI designed and optimised for specific uses, LG AI research chief Kyunghoon Bae, told Reuters.<\/p>\n<p>AI-powered prayer apps are also popular, according to <a href="https:////">The Korea Economic Daily<\/strong><\/a>.<\/p>\n<p>Meadow, a Christian chatbot, claimed it secured 50,000 users within three days of its launch. Another tool, Biblely uses AI to create Deepfake audios after being trained with different church pastors\u2019 recordings.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1696337870,"updatedAt":1697189443,"publishedAt":1696344578,"firstPublishedAt":1696344581,"lastPublishedAt":1697189443,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AFP","altText":"Screenshot","callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"caption":"Screenshot","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/94\/04\/96\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_6b60ad34-8ec2-5b39-b70a-8c7477da6108-7940496.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"duboust","twitter":"@Oceane_Duboust","title":"Oceane Duboust"}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"urlSafeValue":"artificial-intelligence","titleRaw":"Artificial intelligence","id":12661,"title":"Artificial intelligence","slug":"artificial-intelligence"},{"urlSafeValue":"deepfake","titleRaw":"deepfake","id":22394,"title":"deepfake","slug":"deepfake"},{"urlSafeValue":"deep-learning","titleRaw":"deep learning","id":27968,"title":"deep learning","slug":"deep-learning"},{"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","titleRaw":"South Korea","id":7828,"title":"South Korea","slug":"south-korea"},{"urlSafeValue":"entertainment-business","titleRaw":"entertainment business","id":17792,"title":"entertainment business","slug":"entertainment-business"},{"urlSafeValue":"entertainment","titleRaw":"entertainment","id":17392,"title":"entertainment","slug":"entertainment"}],"widgets":[{"count":1,"slug":"related"}],"related":[{"id":2382338},{"id":2407270}],"technicalTags":[],"externalPartners":{"youtubeId":"Z6IyP5uB4go","dailymotionId":"x8oibc5"},"video":1,"videos":[{"duration":97000,"editor":"","filesizeBytes":12461239,"format":"mp4","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/med\/EN\/BZ\/WB\/23\/10\/03\/en\/231003_BZWB_53321605_53322538_97000_155137_en.mp4","expiresAt":0,"quality":"md"},{"duration":97000,"editor":"","filesizeBytes":18258103,"format":"mp4","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/EN\/BZ\/WB\/23\/10\/03\/en\/231003_BZWB_53321605_53322538_97000_155137_en.mp4","expiresAt":0,"quality":"hd"}],"liveStream":[{"endDate":0,"startDate":0}],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"AFP","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"","freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"normal","displayType":"default","program":{"id":"tech-news","urlSafeValue":"tech-news","title":"Tech News","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/next\/tech-news\/tech-news"},"vertical":"next","verticals":[{"urlSafeValue":"next","id":9,"title":"Next","slug":"next"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":9,"slug":"next","urlSafeValue":"next","title":"Next"},"themes":[{"urlSafeValue":"tech-news","id":"tech-news","title":"Tech News","url":"\/\/\/next\/tech-news"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":40,"urlSafeValue":"tech-news","title":"Tech News"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":"","isDfp":0},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":12,"urlSafeValue":"asia","title":"Asia"},"country":{"id":258,"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","title":"South Korea","url":"\/news\/asia\/south-korea"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','gb_safe_from_high','gb_safe_from_high_med','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_busfin','gs_tech','gs_tech_computing','gs_entertain','bespoke_kaspersky','gs_busfin_business','gt_positive','mobkoi_sophie_campaign_en','gs_tech_ai','neg_nespresso','gs_tech_robotics','gs_busfin_indus','gt_positive_curiosity','neg_audi_list2','neg_mobkoi_castrol'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet-web","format":"default"},"showOpinionDisclaimer":0,"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":[],"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":0,"displayOverlay":0},"storyTranslationMethod":[],"localisation":[],"daletEventName":"NExt: AI South Korea","path":"\/next\/2023\/10\/03\/meet-south-koreas-new-artificial-intelligence-based-virtual-avatars","lastModified":1697189443},{"id":2370538,"cid":7895696,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230914_E1SU_53101872","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"isBreakingNews":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Medical tourism: Are South Korea\u2019s cheap botox clinics a beauty bargain or the next \u2018Turkey teeth\u2019?","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"'I got \u20ac20 botox in South Korea and I\u2019m hooked\u2019","titleListing2":"Medical tourism: Are South Korea\u2019s cheap botox clinics a beauty bargain or the next \u2018Turkey teeth\u2019?","leadin":"Inside South Korea\u2019s viral beauty clinics - where botox costs only \u20ac20.","summary":"Inside South Korea\u2019s viral beauty clinics - where botox costs only \u20ac20.","keySentence":"","url":"medical-tourism-are-south-koreas-cheap-botox-clinics-a-beauty-bargain-or-the-next-turkey-t","canonical":"https:\/\/\/travel\/2023\/09\/16\/medical-tourism-are-south-koreas-cheap-botox-clinics-a-beauty-bargain-or-the-next-turkey-t","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Despite its hostile border, South Korea has never struggled to lure in visitors, attracting a whopping 17 million tourists annually. \n\nIt\u2019s easy to understand why. The country has something for quite literally everybody: whether you\u2019re part of the K-pop cult, a spicy street food fanatic, history geek, or simply an admirer of the traditional (and highly Instagrammable) hanok architecture. \n\nBut, emerging on the skyline of Seoul is a new trend that has tourists flocking en masse: botox. \n\nTapping into the country\u2019s own obsession with perfection and image, the cosmetic procedure has become ubiquitous in South Korea\u2019s capital, where clinics offer it at rock bottom prices. \n\nSo what\u2019s it like to visit one of these cheap botox clinics and are they safe? \n\nBeauty standards in South Korea \n\nThe societal pressure to look perfect is tangible on the streets of Seoul, which can be kind of intimidating as a tourist. \n\nEveryone is dressed to impress in high-end designer brands and groomed to meticulous detail, while somehow giving off an air of nonchalance. \n\nBut South Korea \u2019s image-focused culture goes much deeper than a luxury wardrobe. The country boasts the highest rate of plastic surgery per capita, with reports stating around one in three South Korean women have gone under the knife at some point in their life. \n\nDemand for cosmetic surgery and injectables has become so insatiable the price has become extremely competitive - with some clinics offering botox as low as 29,000 won (around \u20ac20). \n\nSouth Korea\u2019s no-frills botox obsession \n\nGangnam - home of the eponymous and grating song - has become the heart of South Korea \u2019s beauty tourism. \n\nThe neighbourhood is now a concrete jungle of skin clinics and dermatologists that offer a slew of facials, injectables and cosmetic surgery procedures for prices that are almost too good to be true. \n\nMuse and Lienjang Plastic Surgery are two clinics regularly visited and endorsed by social media influencers. They have both racked up an impressive following from sharing patients\u2019 before and after photos, as well as their latest promotions. \n\nBut these clinics are not the fluffy kind of spa-like experiences found in Europe or the US. There\u2019s no royal-drying robe and classical music while you wait for your treatment. \n\n\nIn fact, clinics like Muse and Lienjang operate more like a militant fast-food chain. \n\nWhat\u2019s it like inside a Seoul botox clinic? \n\nYou self-check in on an iPad and wait until your number appears on the TV screen above you. \n\nIf you want a coffee you can make it yourself - you\u2019re not going to be served peppermint tea while kicking back on the chaise longue. \n\nIt\u2019s kind of nostalgic, really. It reminds me of being eight years old and waiting for my Argos collection number to be called out so I could get my roller skates. \n\nYou can book an English consultation, but availability is limited and they go quick. Here, you\u2019ll be asked what kind of procedures you want, the potential side effects, and the total cost. \n\nBrevity is key in these meetings. You\u2019ll be told to expect swelling and discomfort then have a chip and pin machine shoved in your face. \n\nAfter that you\u2019re sent upstairs where you wash your face with the products provided and put your belongings into a locker. \n\nWhen your name is called you\u2019ll be taken into what looks a little bit like a morgue: a perpetual corridor of 20-something-year-olds all dying from the fear of not looking perfect enough. \n\nAgain, this is not a sensual, relaxing environment. You go in, get your treatment, then leave. \n\nSo, if you want the results and don\u2019t care for all the thrills, you might like South Korea\u2019s approach to beauty tourism. If you\u2019re after a more lavish and pampered experience, I\u2019d suggest you go elsewhere. \n\n\u2018I\u2019m hooked\u2019: South Korean botox tourism \n\nRaouia Naji is a medical doctor from Tunisia who recently visited Lienjang Clinic in Gangnam. \n\nThe 27-year-old had forehead botox, under eye fillers and a microneedle skin booster. \n\nIn Europe, these procedures would typically rack up to \u20ac1,000 or more. But in South Korea, they\u2019re available for as low as \u20ac158. \n\nIn an interview with Euronews Travel, Dr Naji explains how she often sees before and after videos of South Korean clinics pop up on her Instagram and TikTok pages. \n\n\u201cAt first, my sister tried skincare procedures before her wedding at the same place and had such a good experience, so I was tempted too,\u201d she adds. \n\nAfter waiting a couple of weeks for the results to fully kick in, Dr Naji says she was \u201cvery happy\u201d with the end product. \n\n\u201cI\u2019m hooked and I don\u2019t think I will try anywhere else but South Korea because they were so gentle\u2026 I didn\u2019t know it was this cheap. \n\n\u201cI want to take all of my friends there!\u201d \n\nIs South Korean botox the next \u2018Turkey teeth\u2019? \n\nAs beauty tourism continues to bloom in South Korea, so does concern. Are these procedures being done safely ? Should injectables be so accessible to young people? And are Europeans soon going to be walking around with frozen faces and drooping eyebrows? \n\nIn the post \u2018 Turkey teeth \u2019 era, more people are aware of the potential downfalls of going abroad for a beauty makeover. But filing your teeth to tiny nubs seems to be asking for trouble, whereas botox is quickly becoming seen as a standard procedure. \n\nI spoke to aesthetic surgeon Dr Glyn Estebanez of Prima Aesthetics in Chester, UK to find out whether botox tourism is as safe as advertised - or if tourists are risking too much to get rid of those pesky crow\u2019s feet. \n\n\u201cBotulinum toxin is the most poisonous neurotoxin and could therefore be life threatening,\u201d he tells me. \u201cHowever, when administered in small doses like the ones that are used for botox, it is considered to be extremely safe .\u201d \n\nWhat are the risks of getting botox? \n\nThe main risks with having botox - or any anti-wrinkle injections - are not from the drug itself, but from treatment that is performed by a practitioner who is not qualified or experienced, Dr Esetbanez explains. \n\nIf botox isn\u2019t administered correctly, or in the correct place, complications can occur. These include infection, vision problems, breathing problems and temporary asymmetry of the face. \n\nHowever, Dr Esetbanez says complications like these are \u201crare if in the right hands\u201d. \n\n\u201cYou have to remember that these procedures are \u2018blind\u2019,\u201d he adds. \u201cWhat I mean by that is that they\u2019re carried out under a patient\u2019s skin and, whilst we can have a good idea of the facial anatomy, we\u2019re still penetrating the skin and muscles to place the botox or filler. \n\n\u201cIf this is placed incorrectly by someone with inadequate knowledge it could lead to skin necrosis, blindness or paralysis of the muscles causing deformation of a patient\u2019s face.\u201d \n\nWith this in mind, it\u2019s important to vet your clinic and make sure your practitioner possesses the right qualifications and training. \n\nThe invisible side effect of botox \n\nIt\u2019s easy to understand how suffocating the pressure to look perfect is for South Koreans, and unfortunately, it\u2019s a catch 22. \n\nI spoke to Dr Esetbanez about a side effect of botox that can happen anywhere in the world - whether you\u2019re in a sketchy salon in South London or a renowned clinic in Los Angeles : perception blindness. \n\n\u201cWhat I mean by this is the fact that we\u2019re redefining our beauty perceptions all the time after treatment,\u201d Dr Esetbanez tells Euronews Travel. \n\n\u201cAfter a few weeks, that fresh face becomes the normal face we see in the mirror every day. What do we do then? We\u2019re going to focus on something else and that\u2019s going to bother us.\u201d \n\nThis can put patients in a vulnerable position. \n\n\u201cUnscrupulous practitioners will chase and chase these things, and the patient then moves further and further away from the natural starting point. We lose sight of where we started and become focused on the individual problems.\u201d \n\nThis can very quickly become a \u201cperfect storm\u201d if the practitioner is also unable to appreciate the subtle tweaks that enhance natural beauty, Dr Esetbanez warns. \n\n\u201cMany practitioners unfortunately suffer from perception blindness too, and therefore focus on significant transformations which in turn can lead to a distortion of beauty .\u201d \n\nPost-procedure: How to stay safe if you get botox on holiday \n\nHygiene standards in Seoul\u2019s cosmetic surgery clinics seem high, and the potential side effects of botox - when you\u2019re in the right hands - seem less scary than those pearly new whites from Bodrum. \n\nBut, is it a good idea to travel to any country for a treatment that can cause risk? I spoke to Shehzeen Ahmad, managing director at Dubai Cosmetic Surgery, who sees patients travelling from all over the world for botox and other treatments. \n\nShe advises avoiding places where there is no \u201cadherence or strict regulations about patients' safety\u201d - which is the common fault of the Turkey teeth nightmares you see online. \n\n\u201cIt is important to ensure that you remain in the country post-procedure to ensure there are no complications,\u201d Ahmad adds. \u201cThis timescale can vary from two days to one week.\u201d \n\nMost clinics also recommend returning after a week or two to make sure enough botox has been injected. They will often sell cheap bundles where the second dose is even cheaper. \n\nBut if all of this is too confusing and conflicting, there is an easy solution: just sleep with a frownie patch. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Despite its hostile border, South Korea has never struggled to lure in visitors, attracting a whopping 17 million tourists annually.<\/p>\n<p>It\u2019s easy to understand why. The country has something for quite literally everybody: whether you\u2019re part of the K-pop cult, a spicy street food fanatic, history geek, or simply an admirer of the traditional (and highly Instagrammable) hanok architecture.<\/p>\n<p>But, emerging on the skyline of Seoul is a new trend that has tourists flocking en masse: botox.<\/p>\n<p>Tapping into the country\u2019s own obsession with perfection and image, the cosmetic procedure has become ubiquitous in South Korea\u2019s capital, where clinics offer it at rock bottom prices.<\/p>\n<p>So what\u2019s it like to visit one of these cheap botox clinics and are they safe?<\/p>\n<h2>Beauty standards in South Korea<\/h2><p>The societal pressure to look perfect is tangible on the streets of Seoul, which can be kind of intimidating as a tourist.<\/p>\n<p>Everyone is dressed to impress in high-end designer brands and groomed to meticulous detail, while somehow giving off an air of nonchalance.<\/p>\n<p>But <a href="https:////">South Korea<\/strong><\/a>\u2019s image-focused culture goes much deeper than a luxury wardrobe. The country boasts the highest rate of plastic surgery per capita, with reports stating around one in three South Korean women have gone under the knife at some point in their life.<\/p>\n<p>Demand for cosmetic surgery and injectables has become so insatiable the price has become extremely competitive - with some clinics offering botox as low as 29,000 won (around \u20ac20).<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7264360,7662226\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">/u2018A transcendental state of bliss\u2019: I visited Portugal\u2019s first CBD spa - here\u2019s why you should too<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Turkey travel warning issued by UK government following 22 \u2018medical tourism\u2019 deaths<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>South Korea\u2019s no-frills botox obsession<\/h2><p>Gangnam - home of the eponymous and grating song - has become the heart of <a href="https:////">South Korea<\/strong><\/a>\u2019s beauty tourism.<\/p>\n<p>The neighbourhood is now a concrete jungle of skin clinics and dermatologists that offer a slew of facials, injectables and cosmetic surgery procedures for prices that are almost too good to be true.<\/p>\n<p>Muse and Lienjang Plastic Surgery are two clinics regularly visited and endorsed by social media influencers. They have both racked up an impressive following from sharing patients\u2019 before and after photos, as well as their latest promotions.<\/p>\n<p>But these clinics are not the fluffy kind of <a href="https:////">spa-like/strong>/a> experiences found in Europe or the US. There\u2019s no royal-drying robe and classical music while you wait for your treatment. <\/p>\n<p>In fact, clinics like Muse and Lienjang operate more like a militant fast-food chain.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Canva\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/89\/56\/96\/384x216_cmsv2_68af7a9c-1176-50d0-bc57-f4998fefba3f-7895696.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/89\/56\/96\/640x360_cmsv2_68af7a9c-1176-50d0-bc57-f4998fefba3f-7895696.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/89\/56\/96\/750x422_cmsv2_68af7a9c-1176-50d0-bc57-f4998fefba3f-7895696.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/89\/56\/96\/828x466_cmsv2_68af7a9c-1176-50d0-bc57-f4998fefba3f-7895696.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/89\/56\/96\/1080x608_cmsv2_68af7a9c-1176-50d0-bc57-f4998fefba3f-7895696.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/89\/56\/96\/1200x675_cmsv2_68af7a9c-1176-50d0-bc57-f4998fefba3f-7895696.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/89\/56\/96\/1920x1080_cmsv2_68af7a9c-1176-50d0-bc57-f4998fefba3f-7895696.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Gangnam has become the heart of South Korea\u2019s beauty tourism.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Canva<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>What\u2019s it like inside a Seoul botox clinic?<\/h2><p>You self-check in on an iPad and wait until your number appears on the TV screen above you.<\/p>\n<p>If you want a coffee you can make it yourself - you\u2019re not going to be served peppermint tea while kicking back on the chaise longue.<\/p>\n<p>It\u2019s kind of nostalgic, really. It reminds me of being eight years old and waiting for my Argos collection number to be called out so I could get my roller skates.<\/p>\n<p>You can book an English consultation, but availability is limited and they go quick. Here, you\u2019ll be asked what kind of procedures you want, the potential side effects, and the total cost.<\/p>\n<p>Brevity is key in these meetings. You\u2019ll be told to expect swelling and discomfort then have a chip and pin machine shoved in your face.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7843794\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Wellness tourism is booming but what's behind the trend?<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>After that you\u2019re sent upstairs where you wash your face with the products provided and put your belongings into a locker.<\/p>\n<p>When your name is called you\u2019ll be taken into what looks a little bit like a morgue: a perpetual corridor of 20-something-year-olds all dying from the fear of not looking perfect enough.<\/p>\n<p>Again, this is not a sensual, relaxing environment. You go in, get your treatment, then leave.<\/p>\n<p>So, if you want the results and don\u2019t care for all the thrills, you might like South Korea\u2019s approach to beauty tourism. If you\u2019re after a more lavish and pampered experience, I\u2019d suggest you go elsewhere.<\/p>\n<h2>\u2018I\u2019m hooked\u2019: South Korean botox tourism<\/h2><p>Raouia Naji is a medical doctor from <a href="https:////">Tunisia/strong>/a> who recently visited Lienjang Clinic in Gangnam.<\/p>\n<p>The 27-year-old had forehead botox, under eye fillers and a microneedle skin booster.<\/p>\n<p>In Europe, these procedures would typically rack up to \u20ac1,000 or more. But in South Korea, they\u2019re available for as low as \u20ac158.<\/p>\n<p>In an interview with Euronews Travel, Dr Naji explains how she often sees before and after videos of South Korean clinics pop up on her Instagram and <a href="https:////">TikTok/strong>/a> pages.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cAt first, my sister tried skincare procedures before her wedding at the same place and had such a good experience, so I was tempted too,\u201d she adds.<\/p>\n<p>After waiting a couple of weeks for the results to fully kick in, Dr Naji says she was \u201cvery happy\u201d with the end product.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cI\u2019m hooked and I don\u2019t think I will try anywhere else but South Korea because they were so gentle\u2026 I didn\u2019t know it was this cheap.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cI want to take all of my friends there!\u201d<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-freeform\nwidget--size-fullwidth\nwidget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <blockquote class=\"instagram-media\" data-instgrm-permalink=\"https:\/\/\/reel\/Cm_vMkyDJqk\/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading\" data-instgrm-version=\"14\" style=\" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);\"><div style=\"padding:16px;\"> <a href="https:////\%22 style=\" background:#FFFFFF; line-height:0; padding:0 0; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; width:100%;\" target=\"_blank\"> <div style=\" display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;\"> <div style=\"background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;\"><\/div> <div style=\"display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;\"> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;\"><\/div> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;\"><\/div><\/div><\/div><div style=\"padding: 19% 0;\"><\/div> <div style=\"display:block; 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font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:550; line-height:18px;\">View this post on Instagram<\/div><\/div><div style=\"padding: 12.5% 0;\"><\/div> <div style=\"display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;\"><div> <div style=\"background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);\"><\/div> <div style=\"background-color: #F4F4F4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;\"><\/div> <div style=\"background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);\"><\/div><\/div><div style=\"margin-left: 8px;\"> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;\"><\/div> <div style=\" width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg)\"><\/div><\/div><div style=\"margin-left: auto;\"> <div style=\" width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);\"><\/div> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);\"><\/div> <div style=\" width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);\"><\/div><\/div><\/div> <div style=\"display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;\"> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;\"><\/div> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;\"><\/div><\/div><\/a><p style=\" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;\"><a href="https:////\%22 style=\" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;\" target=\"_blank\">A post shared by Dr. Raouia \ud83e\ude7a Medical Resident (@dr.raouia)<\/a><\/p><\/div><\/blockquote> <script async src="////">/script> \n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Is South Korean botox the next \u2018Turkey teeth\u2019?<\/h2><p>As beauty tourism continues to bloom in South Korea, so does concern. Are these procedures being done <a href="https:////">safely/strong>/a>? Should injectables be so accessible to young people? And are Europeans soon going to be walking around with frozen faces and drooping eyebrows?<\/p>\n<p>In the post \u2018<a href="https:////">Turkey teeth<\/strong><\/a>\u2019 era, more people are aware of the potential downfalls of going abroad for a beauty makeover. But filing your teeth to tiny nubs seems to be asking for trouble, whereas botox is quickly becoming seen as a standard procedure.<\/p>\n<p>I spoke to aesthetic surgeon Dr Glyn Estebanez of Prima Aesthetics in Chester, UK to find out whether botox tourism is as <a href="https:////">safe/strong>/a> as advertised - or if tourists are risking too much to get rid of those pesky crow\u2019s feet.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cBotulinum toxin is the most poisonous neurotoxin and could therefore be life threatening,\u201d he tells me. \u201cHowever, when administered in small doses like the ones that are used for botox, it is considered to be extremely <a href="https:////">safe/strong>/a>./u201d/p>/nWhat are the risks of getting botox?<\/h2><p>The main risks with having botox - or any anti-wrinkle injections - are not from the drug itself, but from treatment that is performed by a practitioner who is not qualified or experienced, Dr Esetbanez explains.<\/p>\n<p>If <a href="https:////">botox/strong>/a> isn\u2019t administered correctly, or in the correct place, complications can occur. These include infection, vision problems, breathing problems and temporary asymmetry of the face.<\/p>\n<p>However, Dr Esetbanez says complications like these are \u201crare if in the right hands\u201d.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cYou have to remember that these procedures are \u2018blind\u2019,\u201d he adds. \u201cWhat I mean by that is that they\u2019re carried out under a patient\u2019s skin and, whilst we can have a good idea of the facial anatomy, we\u2019re still penetrating the skin and muscles to place the <a href="https:////">botox/strong>/a> or filler.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIf this is placed incorrectly by someone with inadequate knowledge it could lead to skin necrosis, blindness or paralysis of the muscles causing deformation of a patient\u2019s face.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>With this in mind, it\u2019s important to vet your clinic and make sure your practitioner possesses the right qualifications and training.<\/p>\n<h2>The invisible side effect of botox<\/h2><p>It\u2019s easy to understand how suffocating the pressure to look perfect is for South Koreans, and unfortunately, it\u2019s a catch 22.<\/p>\n<p>I spoke to Dr Esetbanez about a side effect of botox that can happen anywhere in the world - whether you\u2019re in a sketchy salon in South London or a renowned clinic in <a href="https:////">Los Angeles<\/strong><\/a>: perception blindness.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cWhat I mean by this is the fact that we\u2019re redefining our beauty perceptions all the time after treatment,\u201d Dr Esetbanez tells Euronews Travel.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cAfter a few weeks, that fresh face becomes the normal face we see in the mirror every day. What do we do then? We\u2019re going to focus on something else and that\u2019s going to bother us.\u201d<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7699496\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Swap Seoul for Busan: Find a thriving spa culture and spicy street food in South Korea\u2019s second city<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>This can put patients in a vulnerable position.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cUnscrupulous practitioners will chase and chase these things, and the patient then moves further and further away from the natural starting point. We lose sight of where we started and become focused on the individual problems.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>This can very quickly become a \u201cperfect storm\u201d if the practitioner is also unable to appreciate the subtle tweaks that enhance natural beauty, Dr Esetbanez warns.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cMany practitioners unfortunately suffer from perception blindness too, and therefore focus on significant transformations which in turn can lead to a distortion of <a href="https:////">beauty/strong>/a>./u201d/p>/n
Post-procedure: How to stay safe if you get botox on holiday<\/h2><p>Hygiene standards in Seoul\u2019s cosmetic surgery clinics seem high, and the potential side effects of botox - when you\u2019re in the right hands - seem less scary than those pearly new whites from Bodrum.<\/p>\n<p>But, is it a good idea to travel to any country for a treatment that can cause risk? I spoke to Shehzeen Ahmad, managing director at Dubai Cosmetic Surgery, who sees patients travelling from all over the world for botox and other treatments.<\/p>\n<p>She advises avoiding places where there is no \u201cadherence or strict regulations about patients' safety\u201d - which is the common fault of the <a href="https:////">Turkey/strong>/a> teeth nightmares you see online.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIt is important to ensure that you remain in the country post-procedure to ensure there are no complications,\u201d Ahmad adds. \u201cThis timescale can vary from two days to one week.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Most clinics also recommend returning after a week or two to make sure enough botox has been injected. They will often sell cheap bundles where the second dose is even cheaper.<\/p>\n<p>But if all of this is too confusing and conflicting, there is an easy solution: just sleep with a frownie patch.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1694705973,"updatedAt":1694844113,"publishedAt":1694844054,"firstPublishedAt":1694707684,"lastPublishedAt":1694844113,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Raouia Naji | Canva","altText":"Raouia Naji (left) is a medical doctor from Tunisia who recently visited Lienjang Clinic in Seoul.","callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"caption":"Raouia Naji (left) is a medical doctor from Tunisia who recently visited Lienjang Clinic in Seoul.","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/89\/56\/96\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_e90998df-f7f3-5e67-a101-081c2abacbab-7895696.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":1080},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Canva","altText":"Gangnam has become 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Gilliver","freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"normal","displayType":"default","program":{"id":"experiences","urlSafeValue":"experiences","title":"Experiences","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/travel\/experiences\/experiences"},"vertical":"travel","verticals":[{"urlSafeValue":"travel","id":7,"title":"Travel","slug":"travel"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":7,"slug":"travel","urlSafeValue":"travel","title":"Travel"},"themes":[{"urlSafeValue":"experiences","id":"experiences","title":"Experiences","url":"\/\/\/travel\/experiences"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":29,"urlSafeValue":"experiences","title":"Experiences"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":"","isDfp":0},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":12,"urlSafeValue":"asia","title":"Asia"},"country":{"id":258,"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","title":"South Korea","url":"\/news\/asia\/south-korea"},"town":{"id":428,"urlSafeValue":"seoul-south-korea","title":"Seoul, South Korea"},"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','gb_safe_from_high','gb_safe_from_high_med','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_health','gt_mixed','gs_science','gs_science_geography','neg_facebook_2021','gs_fashion','gs_health_misc','gs_tech_compute','gs_tech_compute_net','gs_health_cosmetic','castrol_negative_uk','neg_mobkoi_castrol','neg_nespresso','gt_negative_fear','neg_bucherer','gt_positive_love','gt_positive_curiosity'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"showOpinionDisclaimer":0,"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":[],"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":0,"displayOverlay":0},"storyTranslationMethod":[],"localisation":[],"daletEventName":"TRAVEL_Medical tourism: Are South Korea\u2019s cheap botox clinics a beauty bargain or the next \u2018Turkey teeth\u2019?","path":"\/travel\/2023\/09\/16\/medical-tourism-are-south-koreas-cheap-botox-clinics-a-beauty-bargain-or-the-next-turkey-t","lastModified":1694844113},{"id":2340474,"cid":7806310,"versionId":4,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230807_NWSU_52680481","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"isBreakingNews":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"European scouts to flee South Korean world jamboree ahead of typhoon","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"European scouts to flee South Korean world jamboree ahead of typhoon","titleListing2":"First the heatwave and then the threat of a typhoon have made the international Scout meeting a real test of survival.","leadin":"Young people from some 160 countries had tired faces and more than 600 had to be treated for the searing heat.","summary":"Young people from some 160 countries had tired faces and more than 600 had to be treated for the searing heat.","keySentence":"","url":"extreme-weather-forces-tens-of-thousands-of-young-scouts-to-flee-south-korea-world-jambore","canonical":"https:\/\/\/2023\/08\/07\/extreme-weather-forces-tens-of-thousands-of-young-scouts-to-flee-south-korea-world-jambore","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"First the heatwave and then the threat of a typhoon have made the international Scout meeting a real test of survival. \n\nSouth Korea, where the event was taking place, is preparing to evacuate tens of thousands of scouts from a coastal jamboree as Tropical Storm Khanun looms. \n\nThousands of participants had already fled because of the heat and poor organisation. \n\nYoung people from more than 158 countries wore tired faces and more than 600 had to be treated amid the sizzling heat,\u00a0causing many to give up. \n\nAround 43,000 people from all over the world joined the giant scout jamboree at the end of July in Saemangeum, on the west coast of South Korea. The festival, organised every four years, which was due to end on 12 August, will now be cut short. \n\n\"Due to the expected impact of Typhoon Khanun, an early departure will be scheduled for all participants\", the World Organisation of the Scout Movement announced in a statement on Monday, calling on the authorities to help repatriate the tens of thousands of children and teenagers taking part in the festival. \n\n\"We urge the government to speed up the departure plan and to provide all the necessary resources and support for participants during their stay and until they return to their home countries\", it added. \n\nSome countries, among them the UK, had already relocated their scouts due to \"high temperatures and poor sanitary conditions\" at the camp. \n\nUK Scouts chief executive Matt Hyde told the BBC he felt let down by organisers. \n\nIn contrast, the Spanish Scout organisation tweeted that, despite the heat, the activities young people were doing made the experience worthwhile. \n\nHowever,\u00a0Geir Olav Kaase, leader of the 700-member Norwegian contingent, said to AP that Norwegian scouts had already started leaving the campsite on Monday evening to \u201cavoid any chaos that may arise in the event of a joint evacuation.\u201d \n\nKasse said the evacuations were proceeding in \u201cclose cooperation\u201d with the Danish contingent, but he did not specify whether the Danes have started to leave too. \n\n\u201dWe do all we can to ensure that the scouts are safe and well, and that the transfer goes as smoothly as possible. We help each other and keep our spirits up,\u201d Kaase said in a statement. \n\nThe Swedish news agency TT said some 1,500 scouts from Sweden will be relocated to Camp Humphreys along with Norwegian and Danish scouts. \n\nAccording to South Korea's Yonhap news agency, all activities scheduled for Monday afternoon have been cancelled and participants will begin leaving the camp on Tuesday morning. \n\nThe powerful typhoon Khanun, which killed at least one person in the Japanese archipelago of Okinawa last week, is expected to reach South Korea on Thursday, according to the weather services. \n\nA real survival test \n\nThe event that promised to be an adventure turned into a nightmare. \n\nThousands of participants, including 4,000 British and 1,500 Americans, had already left the venue due to extreme heat and poor organisation. \n\nThe British withdrew to Seoul, while the Americans were welcomed by their country's army at its base in Pyeongtaek, south of the capital. \n\nThe Singapore Scouts also decided to leave the site earlier than planned. \n\nThe Korean peninsula is currently experiencing a humid heatwave, with daily temperatures of between 35 and 38 degrees, prompting a maximum heatwave alert. \n\nIn recent days, local media has described the situation as a \"national disgrace\", given the time the country has had to prepare for this gigantic summer gathering. \n\nThe South Korean government had to dispatch military doctors and nurses, as well as air-conditioned buses and refrigerated lorries loaded with ice-cold water. \n\nBesides problems caused by the heat, local media reported poor camping conditions, with \"far from ideal\" sanitary facilities including rudimentary showers and toilets. Not to mention the numerous insect bites. \n\nMaking matters worse regional authorities reported on Saturday 70 participants were infected with COVID. \n\nIn a last-ditch attempt to end the event on a positive note, Kim Hyun-sook, South Korea\u2019s minister of gender equality and family, said officials are trying to arrange new cultural events and activities for the scouts before they leave. \n\nThis could include a possible K-pop concert at a Seoul soccer stadium on Friday to go with the closing ceremony. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>First the heatwave and then the threat of a typhoon have made the international Scout meeting a real test of survival.<\/p>\n<p>South Korea, where the event was taking place, is preparing to evacuate tens of thousands of scouts from a coastal jamboree as Tropical Storm Khanun looms.<\/p>\n<p>Thousands of participants had already fled because of the heat and poor organisation.<\/p>\n<p>Young people from more than 158 countries wore tired faces and more than 600 had to be treated amid the sizzling heat,\u00a0causing many to give up.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5869140625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Kim-yeol\/AP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/384x225_cmsv2_7a43eeb0-3128-51ab-8672-509ebb0a09ad-7806310.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/640x376_cmsv2_7a43eeb0-3128-51ab-8672-509ebb0a09ad-7806310.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/750x440_cmsv2_7a43eeb0-3128-51ab-8672-509ebb0a09ad-7806310.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/828x486_cmsv2_7a43eeb0-3128-51ab-8672-509ebb0a09ad-7806310.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/1080x634_cmsv2_7a43eeb0-3128-51ab-8672-509ebb0a09ad-7806310.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/1200x704_cmsv2_7a43eeb0-3128-51ab-8672-509ebb0a09ad-7806310.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/1920x1127_cmsv2_7a43eeb0-3128-51ab-8672-509ebb0a09ad-7806310.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Attendees of the World Scout Jamboree cool off with water at a scout camping site in Buan, South Korea<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Kim-yeol\/AP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Around 43,000 people from all over the world joined the giant scout jamboree at the end of July in Saemangeum, on the west coast of South Korea. The festival, organised every four years, which was due to end on 12 August, will now be cut short.<\/p>\n<p>\"Due to the expected impact of Typhoon Khanun, an early departure will be scheduled for all participants\", the World Organisation of the Scout Movement announced in a statement on Monday, calling on the authorities to help repatriate the tens of thousands of children and teenagers taking part in the festival.<\/p>\n<p>\"We urge the government to speed up the departure plan and to provide all the necessary resources and support for participants during their stay and until they return to their home countries\", it added.<\/p>\n<p>Some countries, among them the UK, had already relocated their scouts due to \"high temperatures and poor sanitary conditions\" at the camp.<\/p>\n<p>UK Scouts chief executive Matt Hyde told the BBC he felt let down by organisers.<\/p>\n<p>In contrast, the Spanish Scout organisation tweeted that, despite the heat, the activities young people were doing made the experience worthwhile.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-tweet widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio\u2014auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <div class=\"widget__tweet\" data-tweet-id=\"1687656454285840384\"><\/div>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>However,\u00a0Geir Olav Kaase, leader of the 700-member Norwegian contingent, said to AP that Norwegian scouts had already started leaving the campsite on Monday evening to \u201cavoid any chaos that may arise in the event of a joint evacuation.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Kasse said the evacuations were proceeding in \u201cclose cooperation\u201d with the Danish contingent, but he did not specify whether the Danes have started to leave too.<\/p>\n<p>\u201dWe do all we can to ensure that the scouts are safe and well, and that the transfer goes as smoothly as possible. We help each other and keep our spirits up,\u201d Kaase said in a statement.<\/p>\n<p>The Swedish news agency TT said some 1,500 scouts from Sweden will be relocated to Camp Humphreys along with Norwegian and Danish scouts.<\/p>\n<p>According to South Korea's Yonhap news agency, all activities scheduled for Monday afternoon have been cancelled and participants will begin leaving the camp on Tuesday morning.<\/p>\n<p>The powerful typhoon Khanun, which killed at least one person in the Japanese archipelago of Okinawa last week, is expected to reach South Korea on Thursday, according to the weather services.<\/p>\n<h2>A real survival test<\/h2><p>The event that promised to be an adventure turned into a nightmare.<\/p>\n<p>Thousands of participants, including 4,000 British and 1,500 Americans, had already left the venue due to extreme heat and poor organisation.<\/p>\n<p>The British withdrew to Seoul, while the Americans were welcomed by their country's army at its base in Pyeongtaek, south of the capital.<\/p>\n<p>The Singapore Scouts also decided to leave the site earlier than planned.<\/p>\n<p>The Korean peninsula is currently experiencing a humid heatwave, with daily temperatures of between 35 and 38 degrees, prompting a maximum heatwave alert.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.4755859375\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Kim-yeol\/AP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/384x183_cmsv2_3a217a2b-307f-52fe-9135-1722663d7ebb-7806310.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/640x304_cmsv2_3a217a2b-307f-52fe-9135-1722663d7ebb-7806310.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/750x357_cmsv2_3a217a2b-307f-52fe-9135-1722663d7ebb-7806310.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/828x394_cmsv2_3a217a2b-307f-52fe-9135-1722663d7ebb-7806310.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/1080x514_cmsv2_3a217a2b-307f-52fe-9135-1722663d7ebb-7806310.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/1200x571_cmsv2_3a217a2b-307f-52fe-9135-1722663d7ebb-7806310.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/1920x913_cmsv2_3a217a2b-307f-52fe-9135-1722663d7ebb-7806310.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Attendees of the World Scout Jamboree lie down to rest at a scout camping site in Buan, South Korea<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Kim-yeol\/AP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>In recent days, local media has described the situation as a \"national disgrace\", given the time the country has had to prepare for this gigantic summer gathering.<\/p>\n<p>The South Korean government had to dispatch military doctors and nurses, as well as air-conditioned buses and refrigerated lorries loaded with ice-cold water.<\/p>\n<p>Besides problems caused by the heat, local media reported poor camping conditions, with \"far from ideal\" sanitary facilities including rudimentary showers and toilets. Not to mention the numerous insect bites.<\/p>\n<p>Making matters worse regional authorities reported on Saturday 70 participants were infected with COVID.<\/p>\n<p>In a last-ditch attempt to end the event on a positive note, Kim Hyun-sook, South Korea\u2019s minister of gender equality and family, said officials are trying to arrange new cultural events and activities for the scouts before they leave.<\/p>\n<p>This could include a possible K-pop concert at a Seoul soccer stadium on Friday to go with the closing ceremony.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1691396408,"updatedAt":1696924861,"publishedAt":1691399016,"firstPublishedAt":1691399019,"lastPublishedAt":1691490822,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Choe Young-soo\/Yonhap","altText":"Participants at this year\u2019s World Scout Jamboree in South Korea","callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"caption":"Participants at this year\u2019s World Scout Jamboree in South Korea","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_875539e0-bf9f-59d7-9eac-2cd1783898b1-7806310.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":592},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Kim-yeol\/AP","altText":"Attendees of the World Scout Jamboree lie down to rest at a scout camping site in Buan, South Korea","callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"caption":"Attendees of the World Scout Jamboree lie down to rest at a scout camping site in Buan, South Korea","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_3a217a2b-307f-52fe-9135-1722663d7ebb-7806310.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":487},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Kim-yeol\/AP","altText":"Attendees of the World Scout Jamboree cool off with water at a scout camping site in Buan, South Korea","callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"caption":"Attendees of the World Scout Jamboree cool off with water at a scout camping site in Buan, South Korea","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_7a43eeb0-3128-51ab-8672-509ebb0a09ad-7806310.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":601},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Choe Young-soo\/Yonhap","altText":"Attendees of the World Scout Jamboree cool off with water at a scout camping site in Buan","callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"caption":"Attendees of the World Scout Jamboree cool off with water at a scout camping site in Buan","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_a50dbcbf-0ea6-57c0-adf6-d78dd3d3694d-7806310.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":608},{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Spanish scouts social media","altText":"Participants at this year\u2019s World Scout Jamboree in South Korea","callToActionText":null,"width":1600,"caption":"Participants at this year\u2019s World Scout Jamboree in South Korea","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/80\/63\/10\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_14308bf0-bed4-53f8-b812-22f30900f4b8-7806310.jpg","captionUrl":null,"height":1067}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"urlSafeValue":"south-korea","titleRaw":"South Korea","id":7828,"title":"South Korea","slug":"south-korea"},{"urlSafeValue":"boy-scouts","titleRaw":"Boy Scouts","id":22790,"title":"Boy Scouts","slug":"boy-scouts"},{"urlSafeValue":"europe","titleRaw":"Europe","id":9239,"title":"Europe","slug":"europe"},{"urlSafeValue":"typhoon","titleRaw":"Typhoon","id":10395,"title":"Typhoon","slug":"typhoon"}],"widgets":[{"count":2,"slug":"image"},{"count":1,"slug":"twitter"}],"related":[],"technicalTags":[{"path":"euronews.byenglishwebteam"},{"path":"euronews"}],"externalPartners":{"youtubeId":"w-HQNxoMsAo","dailymotionId":"x8n36be"},"video":1,"videos":[{"duration":35000,"editor":"","filesizeBytes":4501231,"format":"mp4","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/med\/EN\/NW\/SU\/23\/08\/08\/en\/230808_NWSU_52691178_52694328_35000_122122_en.mp4","expiresAt":0,"quality":"md"},{"duration":35000,"editor":"","filesizeBytes":6693615,"format":"mp4","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/EN\/NW\/SU\/23\/08\/08\/en\/230808_NWSU_52691178_52694328_35000_122122_en.mp4","expiresAt":0,"quality":"hd"}],"liveStream":[{"endDate":0,"startDate":0}],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"AFP","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"Euronews","freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"normal","displayType":"default","program":{"id":"world","urlSafeValue":"world","title":"world 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As of 2023, BTS is the best-selling act in South Korean history, having sold in excess of 40 million albums.","leadin":"K-Pop stars BTS are telling unheard of tales in \"Beyond The Story: 10-Year Record of BTS. As of 2023, BTS is the best-selling act in South Korean history, having sold in excess of 40 million albums.","summary":"K-Pop stars BTS are telling unheard of tales in \"Beyond The Story: 10-Year Record of BTS. As of 2023, BTS is the best-selling act in South Korean history, having sold in excess of 40 million albums.","keySentence":"","url":"k-pop-bts-the-best-selling-act-in-south-korea-release-long-awaited-memoir","canonical":"https:\/\/\/culture\/2023\/07\/10\/k-pop-bts-the-best-selling-act-in-south-korea-release-long-awaited-memoir","masterCms":"v2","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1689000888,"updatedAt":1689003727,"publishedAt":1689002414,"firstPublishedAt":1689002421,"lastPublishedAt":1689002421,"expiresAt":0,"images":[{"sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AFP Photo","altText":"BTS launches memoir called 'Beyond The Story: 10-Year Record of BTS'","callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"caption":"BTS launches memoir called 'Beyond The Story: 10-Year Record of 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Korean capital","path":"\/video\/2023\/07\/08\/robot-conducts-seoul-orchestra-in-extraordinary-classical-concert","lastModified":1688801484},{"id":2304298,"cid":7699496,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230622_TCSU_52152959","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"isBreakingNews":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Swap Seoul for Busan: Find a thriving spa culture and spicy street food in South Korea\u2019s second city","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Busan: Why you should visit South Korea\u2019s second city","titleListing2":"Swap Seoul for Busan: Find a thriving spa culture and spicy street food in South Korea\u2019s second city","leadin":"Our guide to the best attractions and most delicious food in Busan, South Korea\u2019s second city.","summary":"Our guide to the best attractions and most delicious food in Busan, South Korea\u2019s second city.","keySentence":"","url":"swap-seoul-for-busan-find-a-thriving-spa-culture-and-spicy-street-food-in-south-koreas-sec","canonical":"https:\/\/\/travel\/2023\/06\/25\/swap-seoul-for-busan-find-a-thriving-spa-culture-and-spicy-street-food-in-south-koreas-sec","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Busan is South Korea\u2019s second city, often dubbed the country\u2019s summer capital. \n\nKoreans and foreigners alike flock to its six beaches, glitzy marina and cafe-lined boardwalk. \n\nBeyond the seaside, the city lures visitors with ancient temples, hundreds of spas and the colourful Gamcheon Culture Village to explore. \n\nHere\u2019s our guide to the best attractions and most delicious food in Busan. \n\nWhat to do in Busan: Hit the longest beach in South Korea \n\nNot only does Busan boast six beaches , it also lays claim to the longest in the country. Haeundae Beach stretches 1.5 kilometres down the front of the eponymous Haeundae District. \n\nThe shore is lined with sleek skyscraper hotels that double up as nightlife venues. \n\nVarious festivals take place along the sandy strip. In January, the Polar Bear Club sees participants plunge into near-freezing water. \n\nSlightly easier to get involved in is the summer Haeundae Sand Festival where artists from around the world create impressive sand sculptures. \n\nFor further relaxation, head to one of the city\u2019s 450 spas (the most in any city on the peninsula). \n\nHere you can experience the Korean-style \u2018jjimjilbang\u2019 bathhouse culture where there are hot and cold pools, saunas and communal sleeping rooms. \n\nSpas are gender separated and clothing or swimwear should not be worn. You should have a \u2018seshin\u2019 scrub before entering pools or saunas to ensure cleanliness. \n\nIn Busan, visit Spa Land for a complex of over 20 spas fed by natural thermal spring water. \n\nWhat to see in Busan: Visit Gamcheon Culture Village and an ancient temple \n\nThe antithesis to Busan\u2019s ultra-modern beach highrises is the 20th century Gamcheon Culture Village. \n\nThe hillside jumble of colourful houses was established in the 1950s by war refugees. \n\nNicknamed \u2018lego houses\u2019, the dwellings have been given a facelift in recent years and the area is now a cultural art space. \n\nMeander the steep streets and you\u2019ll stumble across murals, craft boutiques and hip cafes . \n\nHead further back in time with a visit to the Haedong Yonggungsa Temple located on the coast in the northeast of the city. \n\nThe religious building dates back to 1376 and was partly reconstructed in the \u201870s. Squeezed in between rocks, it is a rare example of a temple right on the seafront (most are found in the mountains). \n\nThe complex features colossal golden statues , a cave sanctum and a three-story pagoda with four lions symbolising joy, anger, sadness and happiness. \n\nWhat to eat in Busan: Choose-your-own seafood and spicy noodles \n\nSouth Korea\u2019s second city will also tantalise your tastebuds with fresh seafood and tasty street food . \n\nFirst stop should be the iconic, 600-year-old Jagalchi Market. Watch from the sidelines as a raucous bartering ensues over fish and seafood from sea cucumbers to blow fish. \n\nAt the restaurants on the second floor, you can try some of the market\u2019s products, or select them yourself on the first floor for the kitchens to prepare for you. \n\nFor more budget-friendly fare, stop at Bupyeong Kkangtong Market to munch on street food like eomuk (fish cake), bindaetteok (mung bean pancake) and guksu (noodles). \n\nDon\u2019t leave Busan without trying its signature dish, milmyeon. This is a meaty broth with noodles, topped with cucumbers, a boiled egg, meat and Korea\u2019s spicy chilli paste gochujang. \n\nFind it in hole-in-the-wall shops or sit on a plastic stool at stalls along Gukje Market Food Street where the dish is prepared by elderly women. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Busan is South Korea\u2019s second city, often dubbed the country\u2019s summer capital.<\/p>\n<p>Koreans and foreigners alike flock to its six beaches, glitzy marina and cafe-lined boardwalk.<\/p>\n<p>Beyond the seaside, the city lures visitors with ancient temples, hundreds of spas and the colourful Gamcheon Culture Village to explore.<\/p>\n<p>Here\u2019s our guide to the best attractions and most delicious food in Busan.<\/p>\n<h2>What to do in Busan: Hit the longest beach in South Korea<\/h2><p>Not only does Busan boast six <a href="https:////">beaches/strong>/a>, it also lays claim to the longest in the country. Haeundae Beach stretches 1.5 kilometres down the front of the eponymous Haeundae District.<\/p>\n<p>The shore is lined with sleek skyscraper hotels that double up as nightlife venues.<\/p>\n<p>Various festivals take place along the sandy strip. In January, the Polar Bear Club sees participants plunge into near-freezing water.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.666606628242075\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Minku Kang\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/94\/96\/384x256_cmsv2_da2a87bc-d7cd-5b9d-8c9d-ec942fed82d4-7699496.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/94\/96\/640x427_cmsv2_da2a87bc-d7cd-5b9d-8c9d-ec942fed82d4-7699496.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/94\/96\/750x500_cmsv2_da2a87bc-d7cd-5b9d-8c9d-ec942fed82d4-7699496.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/94\/96\/828x552_cmsv2_da2a87bc-d7cd-5b9d-8c9d-ec942fed82d4-7699496.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/94\/96\/1080x720_cmsv2_da2a87bc-d7cd-5b9d-8c9d-ec942fed82d4-7699496.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/94\/96\/1200x800_cmsv2_da2a87bc-d7cd-5b9d-8c9d-ec942fed82d4-7699496.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/94\/96\/1920x1280_cmsv2_da2a87bc-d7cd-5b9d-8c9d-ec942fed82d4-7699496.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Koreans and foreigners alike flock to its six beaches, glitzy marina and cafe-lined boardwalk.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Minku Kang<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Slightly easier to get involved in is the summer Haeundae Sand Festival where artists from around the world create impressive sand sculptures.<\/p>\n<p>For further relaxation, head to one of the city\u2019s 450 <a href="https:////">spas/strong>/a> (the most in any city on the peninsula).<\/p>\n<p>Here you can experience the Korean-style \u2018jjimjilbang\u2019 bathhouse culture where there are hot and cold pools, saunas and communal sleeping rooms.<\/p>\n<p>Spas are gender separated and clothing or swimwear should not be worn. You should have a \u2018seshin\u2019 scrub before entering pools or saunas to ensure cleanliness.<\/p>\n<p>In Busan, visit Spa Land for a complex of over 20 spas fed by natural thermal spring water.<\/p>\n<h2>What to see in Busan: Visit Gamcheon Culture Village and an ancient temple<\/h2><p>The antithesis to Busan\u2019s ultra-modern beach highrises is the 20th century Gamcheon Culture Village.<\/p>\n<p>The hillside jumble of colourful houses was established in the 1950s by war refugees.<\/p>\n<p>Nicknamed \u2018lego houses\u2019, the dwellings have been given a facelift in recent years and the area is now a cultural art space.<\/p>\n<p>Meander the steep streets and you\u2019ll stumble across murals, craft boutiques and hip <a href="https:////">cafes/strong>/a>./p>/n
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