Cartoon Movie brings the cream of European animation to Bordeaux

Cartoon Movie
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By Frédéric Ponsard
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This article was originally published in French

Nearly 1,000 professionals, including producers, buyers, creators and broadcasters, gathered in Bordeaux for Cartoon Movie, where 55 projects from 16 European countries were presented.


Every year, the Cartoon Movie festival brings together key players in European animation from producers to broadcasters in Bordeaux.

Nearly a thousand professionals from 35 countries come together for 3 intense days of meetings and exchanges on current and future film and television productions, all agreeing on one principle: unity is strength.

Faire une production internationale ou européenne est l'intérêt de Cartoon Movie. C'est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles nous avons commencé il y a 26 ans avec ce programme, parce qu'il ouvre les frontières. Il permet de faire connaître les films. Ce n'est pas seulement au niveau national, mais aussi au niveau international.
Annick Maes
directrice générale (Cartoon Movie)

The days are divided into artistic and financial presentations of projects currently in production.

55 projects are present from 16 European countries. The market is booming, and not just for young audiences.

"Animation for adults is becoming a tool for telling stories, stories that are more – I wouldn't say easier, but more logical to tell in the style of animation, as documentary or as fiction," says the festival's general director, Annick Maes.

"We are of course also seeing mixes of styles that are hybrids, and this is really becoming a new genre.''

This year, "Pesta", a co-production between Norway, Germany and France, won the prestigious Eurimages Prize for Co-Production Development, awarded every year at Cartoon Movie.

A tragic and improbable love story between the noble and pious Astrid and the outlaw and pagan Eilev, it features an all-female cast.


Since it was first staged in 1999, Cartoon Movie has helped 467 films to secure financing worth a total of €3.06 billion.

Video editor • Frédéric Ponsard

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